Why do people need cats? Cats actually heal people.

Humanity domesticated cats more than 10 thousand years ago. In different eras, the importance of cats in human life was defined in different ways: from adoration and worship to fear and destruction. Initially, they were used for a practical purpose - to protect crops from rodents. By nature, a cat is a predatory creature. But the relationship with predators did not prevent it from gaining popularity and love. Over time, the practical component faded into the background and the cats became pets.

In the world of science, there is a branch related to cats - felinology. Within the framework of which they study the types of cats and the nuances of selection.

Cats pros and cons

Cats are gentle and modest creatures, they will not rush into your arms when you are busy, but this does not make their love for their owner any less.

Cats will not yell when they are hungry, they will gently remind you of themselves. The cat tries to be invisible when you don't need her, and is always there when you want to cuddle her.

Cats are unusually clean - when they are not sleeping, they “wash themselves.”

The main disadvantage of keeping cats is, of course, kittens. Not everyone is ready to make sacrifices - to raise and then find homes for little naughty girls before they destroy the apartment. And a cat often goes into heat once every 3-4 months. The animal’s behavior changes immediately, and not everyone can withstand the screams of a “preoccupied” cat. There are three ways out of this situation - bring the cat, give the cat a special drug, or sterilize it. It should be taken into account that sterilization of a cat is an abdominal operation and will require caring for the animal for some time.

Cat signs

There are a huge number of signs associated with cats. Cats don’t even imagine that people watch their habits and actions so carefully. My opinion: some signs definitely don’t work. For example, there is a sign that if a cat washes itself, then guests will come. Nonsense! Our Marusya washes herself five or six times a day. If we had so many guests coming to us, we would only be engaged in receiving guests. But there are signs that really work.

So if:

  1. The cat itself came to your house, which means it brought happiness and warded off misfortune. It is very good if the arriving cat has a black or tri-color color.
  2. A stray kitten has settled under your door - be sure to take it away (place it in good hands); if you drive away such a kitten, there will be no luck for 7 years.
  3. A black cat in the house is protection from thieves.
  4. A man loves cats, then he will love his wife.
  5. A cat reaches out (trying to climb) on a person - predicts a new thing or benefit.
  6. A cat sniffs the air that a person exhales near its nose - this means that the person is starting to get sick.
  7. The cat lies next to the patient. When a cat reaches out to a sick person, it takes away his illness. Cats feel where it hurts and simply try to warm that place. And this, in general, contributes to healing.
  8. Giving away a cat is not free. It is necessary to give a ransom (at least a few kopecks) so that the animal takes root and does not die.
  9. Take care of the cat, it will protect him from misfortunes.
  10. A stranger who comes to visit strokes the cat, and it purrs, which means that a good and sincere person has come to you. A cat will not allow itself to be stroked by a selfish and evil person; it will not even approach such a person.
  11. Luck and money have left your home, pick up a stray kitten - everything will get better in the near future.
  12. Feeding street (stray) cats means easing the suffering of deceased relatives.
  13. If you want to live long, have a healthy heart and nerves, take a cat into your home.

Why do we need cats?

Since ancient times, people have worshiped cats. The most famous is the ancient Egyptian cult of the goddess Bast - the cat goddess. If you believe the ancient Egyptians, then the cat is a very important animal, because Bast’s father is the Sun, his mother is the Moon, his sister is the goddess of heaven, and his brother drives out evil spirits. This is such a sweet family.

Bast herself is the goddess of joy, fun, female beauty, fertility, fire, and childbirth. If a cat died in the house, the whole family plunged into mourning; it was even customary to shave off their eyebrows as a sign of grief. Well, for accidentally killing a cat you were punished by stoning to death (the punishment for intentional murder is scary to even think about). Luxurious holidays were regularly held in honor of the cat goddess, which is not surprising, since she was the patron of the hearth and fertility.

Christianity put a pig on cats - in the fight against idolatry, demons, ancient polytheism, cats were recognized as carriers of evil spirits. Blacks were especially hard hit: they were certainly considered familiars of witches and sorcerers, almost direct descendants from the lower layers of hell, bringing forbidden knowledge and skills to their owners. If Bast's fans believed that the eyes of cats glow in the dark because they carry a particle of sunlight (after all, Bast's father is the Sun), then medieval Christians saw the fires of hell in the bright cat's eyes.

But at the same time, people were in no hurry to completely banish cats from their lives. They continued to be loved, kept in homes, cared for and cherished. Moreover, cats proved their benefits every day: they successfully fought rodents.

Sociable breeds

Siamese cats are ready to carry on a conversation with their owner, only in their own language.
Among four-legged friends there are those who like to talk with their owner. If you are not one of those who like constant silence in the apartment, and prefer to constantly communicate with your pet, then take a closer look at these breeds:

  1. Burmese cat. These are muscular, stocky pets with thick fur. They have different colors: blue, sable, platinum. The tails are mobile. They are ready to learn commands and don’t mind walking on a leash. Burmese cats are not picky eaters, intelligent and sociable. It is difficult for them to remain alone for a long time. They are characterized by diseases such as gum disease and diabetes.
  2. Oriental cats. Animals of this breed come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. They are sophisticated and have a flexible body. In nature, Orientals have about 300 colors. They are talkative and love to attract attention. Pets are suitable for large families with children. Orientals are predisposed to cardiomyopathy and gingivitis. They freeze quickly due to lack of undercoat.
  3. Siamese breed. The cats are distinguished by almond-shaped eyes with a slanted look, short fur of cream or milky white color. In addition, they are characterized by colored spots on their muzzle, ears, paws, and tail. Representatives of this breed are very sociable. They prefer to be among people and feel sad when alone. They are inquisitive and jealous. Pets are prone to dental problems. The diet of these animals affects their color.
  4. Don Sphynx. Animals with a wedge-shaped head, pronounced cheekbones and curled whiskers (some representatives have no whiskers). Their body is elongated and has fewer folds than the Canadian Sphynx. They are completely bald and have fluff. These are peace-loving cats that get along with other animals. They are susceptible to skin diseases.

Cats are our home healers

If you suddenly become a victim of an insidious virus, or some other evil illness has confined you to your bed, rest assured: you will not be left alone - all your pets will be next to you. On the one hand, cats will be glad that their owner finally found time to lie with them in broad daylight, otherwise he still has no time, no time...

On the other hand, they will treat you with all their cat powers, using their cat methods, developed over centuries and incomprehensible to us. And you know, these methods work. One day in the middle of the night I started having severe intestinal colic, and I couldn’t even get up. One of my cats somehow found out about this and came and lay on my stomach.

It was very painful for me, but I endured it, because I realized that it was not without reason that she woke up at night and came to me from another room, although I did not call her. And how did she know that I was unwell? After some time, I fell asleep unnoticed by myself, and in the morning I woke up healthy.

And how can one not believe in a cat medical ambulance? After all, the health benefits of cats have been tested.

And I also noticed that these healers have their own specializations. A black cat treated my stomach, and another time a white cat cured me of a severe headache: she came, curled up on a pillow around her head and lay there, purring like a tractor, until I felt better.

In general, speaking seriously, the health benefits of cats have been scientifically proven. It is known that cat and dog lovers live longer than those who do not have these animals. Doctors advise keeping cats indoors for people with cardiovascular diseases. Maybe because they are soothing? How do you think?

Impact on the personal life of the owners

There is a sign that if single women want to get married, it is better not to have a cat, as it scares away men. This is not entirely true.

Indeed, if a cat lives in the house of a lonely mistress (or owner), she becomes attached to a person and begins to be wildly jealous if someone invades her territory.

However, over time, if the animal feels the positive energy of your chosen one, the relationship will gradually improve.

And, conversely, if the person is not yours and his intentions are not entirely good, the pet’s hatred will manifest itself more and more clearly. He can sense something that the mistress (or owner) will not notice and, perhaps, prevent an unhappy marriage.

When a married couple gets a cat, their relationship only becomes stronger. It promotes a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the family; it seems to glue relationships together, making them more reliable.

Playful cats for the apartment

Bengal Cat and Turkish Van If you prefer to have an active cat walking around the house, choose from these breeds:

  1. Bengal cat. The leopard-like pet loves to have fun and explore everything in the house. He happily climbs into open closets and bedside tables.
  2. Turkish van. An energetic tailed animal that loves to jump and hunt. The fluffy coat of this breed repels dirt and water, which is why these cats love to swim. He is sociable and devoted to his owner.
  3. Ocicat. Golden cat with bronze spots. Quickly becomes friends with people and animals. Easily adapts to new living conditions and learns quickly.
  4. Kurilian Bobtail. Such cats resemble small lynxes in their appearance. Smart breed. Tailed animals are able to learn to follow commands.

How to adopt a cat

Before studying the question of how to properly lift and hold a cat, you need to remember a few simple rules for handling an animal:

  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your pet's body. He will remember your actions and next time he will try to avoid these unpleasant sensations. The cat will begin to associate pain with the person who caused it.
  • Don't keep your pet against its will. The first time you try to leave, let him go. Holding back a struggling animal with all your might will not lead to anything good.
  • The loud meow that a pet makes when you try to pick it up is a signal that you have previously caused inconvenience or pain to it.

The following sequence of actions will tell you how to properly pick up a cat:

Make sure your pet is friendly, not active, and not afraid of you. Slowly and without making sudden movements, approach him. Treat your cat kindly or say something nice to her. Pet the cat and scratch behind its ears. A relaxed animal is a signal that it doesn’t mind being in your hands. You can also understand this by gentle meowing, purring and looking into the eyes. Place one hand under the cat's body just behind the front legs.

With the other, grab it by the hindquarters and carefully lift it up. Hold the cat close to you so that it feels comfortable and safe.

How to keep a kitten in the house

Kittens quickly get used to everything, and it is important to constantly update their horizons. New people, animals, a change of scenery - all this is for the kitten’s benefit. But don’t forget that you need to monitor your small pet very carefully. If you do not do this, the kitten may injure itself or damage your home.

If you don’t buy a scratching post, then your furniture can be its closest substitute. The kitten can hide or spoil any things left in an accessible place. True, not all kittens are as playful and active as they seem. There are also lazy ones, with whom you need to play so that they move at least a little.

As you can see, proper keeping of cats at home is associated with a number of rules and precautions. Before buying a kitten or an adult animal, be sure to consider whether you are ready to become a good responsible owner, ensure the animal’s safety, care for it, and give yourself enough time.

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