Having become the owner of a mustachioed pet, it’s time to take care of his comfort. In addition to the standard set of everyday accessories
Kitten at birth Newborn Sphynx cats weigh 80-100 g with a body length of 10-12 cm. How
Cats do not express their emotions as clearly as dogs. Sometimes cat behavior is difficult to respond to
In the material we analyzed the character of cats and the features of cat psychology, how characters differ in
Human-to-Cat Translator App Do you think it's normal to spend most of your life standing in front of
Classification and causes Symptoms of epilepsy in cats Diagnostic measures Principles of treatment First aid Medication
Is it possible to take a cat on board an airplane? Some airlines allow pets
Many owners tend to think that caring for a cat's teeth is unnecessary. And they don’t suspect that
Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia (animals) Phylum: Chordata (chordates) Class: Mammalia (mammals) Order: Carnivora (carnivores)
Blue-eyed Thai cats are graceful, noble, they combine playfulness and curiosity with independence and