Cats are clean animals, and they are also constant in their habits. In most cases
What you will learn from the article Why grain-free food is the best for cats Why manufacturers add grains
Applaws cat food is a product made in the United Kingdom. In Great Britain
People have long paid attention to the peculiarities of cat vision. Ancient man navigated in the dark much more
Coat and color are a distinctive feature of the Bengal cat. Each pattern is individual: spots or
Turkish cat van Fact 1: In Turkish it is called Van Kedisi - “van kedisi” Fact
Estrus, or mating, in females is a special event experienced by the whole family. Daily battles with
Once upon a time, a man tamed a cat so that it would protect barns from rodents, because it eats
Spring or any other period of sexual activity of non-castrated/non-sterilized cats and female cats -
A little about genetics White coat color is genetic. To give birth to a white kitten, it is enough