Egyptian Mau cat - 140 photos, character, price and detailed description of cat standards

Today, the Egyptian Mau is a very common pet as a pet, a cat that combines beauty and an energetic character. She owes her charm to the contrast between the color of her coat and the dark spots that cover it. Due to the individuality of these spots, each representative of the cat family has a unique pattern.

Today, the Egyptian Mau cat is very common as a pet.

How did they get to us?

In the 20th century, breeding of this breed began in Europe. The ancestors of modern representatives living today in both Europe and the USA were brought to us from the territory of modern Egypt.

If you compare photos of the Egyptian Mau today and ancient Egyptian images, everything suggests that this cat really originates from there.

Origin story

The history of the Egyptian Mau goes back thousands of years. Ancient Egypt, rich and amazing in its grandeur, however, even sharp spears and an army of thousands could not cope with sneaky small rodents and poisonous snakes that spoil supplies and pose a real threat to human health. Therefore, both rich and poor allowed African cats - the ancestors of the Mau - to run their barns and houses. The Egyptians fell in love with the calm and friendly animals and gradually took root in their homes.

Gradually, cats were elevated to the rank of sacred creatures, they began to be depicted on temple frescoes, animal figurines were made from clay, and they were included in the cult of Bastet, a beautiful goddess responsible for the fertility of the land and the warmth of the hearth.

Interest in the breed reignited about 100 years ago when, inspired by images on the walls of temples, breeders from Europe decided to recreate the breed. The first cats exported from Egypt were small in number, and then there was the Second World War, which sharply reduced the number of animals.

The second attempt was more successful. The Russian princess Natalya Trubetskaya, having received three luxurious individuals as a gift, received the first offspring a few months later, and in the same year she notified the FIFe organization about this. The nursery she created interested professional felinologists in America.

Over time, the breed was divided into 2 groups: Egyptian and Indian (according to the place from which the individuals were brought). It is believed that American Shorthair cats also played some part.

The standard was approved in 1968 by the CFF organization, and a little later the breed was recognized by the other “mastodons” of felinology: TICA, CFA, ASC, ICU, WCF.

Today, 80% of the nurseries are located in America, the remaining animals are raised in the UK, Belgium, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France. However, their number is negligible.

The “Mau” in the name of the breed was given because of the extraordinary talkativeness of Egyptian cats. Almost every animal action is accompanied by the sound “ma-a-a-u”.

Official recognition

In the mid-50s of the last century, an officially registered nursery appeared, and the breed gained recognition in the USA and Europe.

Of course, at first, various representatives of other breeds, and simply street cats found in modern Egypt and India, were used to breed the breed, but since 1999 this has been prohibited.

How to choose a kitten

Despite active work on breeding Egyptian Mau, purebred individuals are extremely rare and only in specialized nurseries. Have you met a spotted beauty for sale? Don’t rush to rejoice: probably, under the characteristic color there is an ordinary “Murzik” hiding, for which they want to get a lot of money.

If you are applying for a bright representative of the breed, find an official Egyptian Mau nursery and do not forget to sign up for the kittens from the future litter. While waiting for your friend to be born, do not waste time: make inquiries about the breeder, if possible, contact his former clients, check out the achievements of the wards from this nursery. Often, breeders offer babies from related matings for sale, so you need to familiarize yourself with the complete pedigree of the kittens.

Little lumps are separated from their mother at the age of three months, when they no longer need care and can fend for themselves. When looking closely at the kittens, pay attention to the most playful and active one: he definitely feels great! The baby should be moderately well-fed and tidy. Sticky fur, sour eyes or accumulation of wax in the ears are reasons to think: is it worth buying a kitten if it is unhealthy?

Pay attention to a feature that is unique to the Egyptian Mau. At two months, kittens experience the appearance of fuzzing - sparse and long hairs that make babies look like porcupines. This is not a breed defect, but only one of the stages in the formation of the coat.


The official breed standard states that a purebred Egyptian Mau should be of medium size with a graceful build.

Despite this, the muscles of these animals are well developed. Legs of medium length with oval paws.

The tail tapers slightly at the end. The weight of the animal should be from 3 kg (for cats) to 6 kg for males.

Character and habits

It's no wonder that Mau won the hearts of the Egyptians and made their way into their homes, bedrooms and hearts: they are true companion cats. Mau are very affectionate, curious, sometimes even too curious; the pet is ready to climb anywhere as long as it is next to its owner.

Those who plan to visit home for a short time should not get an Egyptian Mau: the cat becomes sad without communication.

But for those who are ready to communicate with a cat, she appropriately responds with her purring with precise intonation.

Her habits are the most active, the Egyptian Mau breed has remained almost wild. She needs games, movement, the cat needs to be chased with a laser pointer or taught to run after a ball, provided with a supply of interactive toys.

At the same time, it is a character trait not to spoil things. She carefully runs along the shelf, without throwing souvenirs off it, and does not climb curtains or door frames.

Another pleasant feature is the delicate nature of the Egyptian Mau. The cat, although not particularly fond of strangers, will never attack, bite or spoil the clothes of guests. But he can build a great relationship with another cat, puppy or child.

Interesting feature

Under the belly in front of the hind legs, they have two folds. This is not a “fat belly”, as it may seem, but a special device that allows the animal to continue jumping and running.

It is not without reason that representatives of this breed are believed to run faster than other cats.

Education and training

Egyptian Mau on a leash

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their unique intelligence and impeccable manners, so they rarely need additional training. Mau owners do not have any difficulties training their cats to use the litter tray and scratching post. Animals quickly understand what is expected of them. This greatly simplifies the training process. Egyptian Mau are observant and intelligent, easily overcome obstacles and quickly get used to walking on a leash. If desired, you can teach your pet simple commands: the cat will demonstrate their execution in exchange for a delicious treat.

Head shape

The head is wedge-shaped, slightly rounded. The ears are slightly pointed. Large almond-shaped eyes, and the color should be light green - usually compared to an unripe gooseberry.

A distinctive feature of the breed is a seemingly surprised expression on the muzzle.


It is better to feed your pet dry or canned food. You can also give your cat homemade food. These should be foods that are rich in calcium, dietary meat, vegetables and fruits, sea fish and offal.

Absolutely forbidden:

  • Milk;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts;
  • River fish;
  • Legumes;
  • Fatty meat and liver;
  • Any spices.

An unusual fur coat is a striking sign of the breed

Usually these cats can be immediately recognized by their color - silver, bronze or smoky tabby. The stripes on the head, paws and tail turn into spots on the body.

In cats of silver color the background is gray or light gray, in bronze cats it is brown, gradually turning into light on the belly, in smoky cats it is from dark gray to almost black, but the undercoat is silver. There should be a bright contrast between the spots and the background.

On the animal’s forehead there should be a pattern in the form of a scarab beetle (like the letter “M”), and the eyes seem to be lined with black.

The fur is short, lying close to the body. Sometimes merle or black kittens may be born, but they cannot be allowed for breeding.

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Interesting facts about the breed

  • There was a severe punishment for killing a Mau in ancient Egypt;
  • One day, the king of the Persians was able to conquer an Egyptian city by fastening live cats to the shields of his warriors. The Egyptians surrendered without a fight, but did not harm the cats;
  • Cats practically do not meow, but the range of their purrs has an incredible range;
  • The Egyptian Mau's pregnancy lasts longer than any other breed, taking ten and a half weeks to gestation;

The Egyptian Mau is a real cat, an ideal friend. He faithfully waits for his owners from work, listens carefully, is always there, and at the same time is delicate. Sometimes cats are role models even for people.

Character of the Egyptian Mau cat

They are moderately affectionate and sociable. They are quite active and love to play, so make sure that your cat has enough special toys.

These cats become attached to their owner and always demand his company, but they can be careful with strangers. They get along well with other pets.


The health of Egyptian cats has improved significantly during breeding efforts. Serious diseases are becoming less and less common in each new litter. However, a number of hereditary feline diseases are still noted by breeders.

  • Cardiomyopathy. Cardiac pathology, characterized by thickening of the muscular layer of the heart. Manifests itself in the form of short, heavy breathing after a short run or game. The pet begins to lose appetite and becomes lethargic. Stretches his neck for no reason.
  • Asthma. The Egyptian Mau's respiratory system is still vulnerable. The animal should be protected from tobacco smoke, dust, household chemicals and any other strong odors.
  • Allergy. Red spots on your pet's body may well mean an unhealthy reaction to a change in food or other irritant.
  • Leukodystrophy. Metabolic disease. A hereditary disease, it is diagnosed in kittens at seven weeks of age.

See also: Don Sphynx

Timely help from a veterinarian will help save your pet’s life. Therefore, at the first signs of unhealthy animal behavior, you should contact a specialist.

Proper care and the owner's attentive attitude to the health of the spotted pet will contribute to a long and happy life for the Mau. About thirteen to fifteen years.


To maintain immunity and improve health, cats must be vaccinated. Vaccination begins at an early age. The first vaccinations are given at six to eight weeks. Injections are administered against panleukopenia, calicivirus, and herpes virus infection. After a month, revaccination occurs. The next vaccination is given after six months.

Further vaccination of adult Mau occurs annually. Once a year. According to the schedule approved by the veterinarian.

Ten days before vaccination, the animal is dewormed.

How much is the Egyptian Mau worth?

Do you like this breed and want to buy a kitten? The price of an Egyptian Mau cat can reach 50 thousand Russian rubles.

You need to purchase a kitten from a breeder's nursery. Even if you do not plan to attend exhibitions and engage in breeding, you are guaranteed to buy a purebred animal there.

Those who sell animals without a pedigree most often turn out to be scammers.

Care instructions

Mau are not picky when it comes to keeping them and know how to take care of themselves well, but human help will not harm them.


The calling card of the breed is a luxurious fur coat. Brush it once every 2 weeks with a regular brush with stiff bristles, and during shedding - 2 times a week. Wet your hands and stroke the cat: excess hairs will stick to your palms.


Many Mau have nothing against bathing, but it should not be done too often: the water washes away the protective layer and can cause irritation. Give your pet nice baths only in two cases: if he is very dirty and before exhibition events.

Human shampoo is not suitable for this; you should buy a special shampoo for cats at a pet store (Bars). You can dry it with a hairdryer or towel in a draft-free room.


To make your pet sharpen its claws in comfort, you can buy a scratching post, but you can also adapt an ordinary thick branch for this task, wrapping it with a thick rope. If Mau is lazy, pick up a nail clipper and trim the claws a little once a month.


Mau's eyes rarely run, but if this happens, wipe them with a special eye lotion for animals. Do not use cotton wool, buy cotton sponges.


Teeth are brushed 4-6 times a month. If the cat eats dry food, cleaning is carried out less often, if it sits on “natural” food, it is done more often. You will need a special brush (you put it on your finger) and toothpaste or gel (Hartz, TropiClean, Beaphar). You can add cleansing drops to drinking water, give special chewing sticks and pads with a pleasant taste.

As cats age, tartar often forms on their teeth. You definitely won’t be able to remove it, so take the cat to the vet. The doctor will clean the mouth quickly and painlessly for the animal.

Pictured are kittens of the Egyptian Mau breed.

Nutrition of the Egyptian Mau

As for nutrition, it is recommended to use high-quality premium food. Natural food containing 80% meat in the diet is also acceptable.

We hope that you enjoyed getting to know this unusual and aristocratic breed of cats!

Care and maintenance

Due to their short fur, caring for and maintaining the Egyptian Mau is not particularly difficult. Animals do an excellent job of cleaning their own coats, but require periodic brushing with a soft brush.

The exotic breed is incredibly clean; many breeders do without water treatments completely. The exception is exhibitions, when the Mau must look impeccable. It is better to bathe your pet with a special shampoo. After which the cat must be wiped and allowed to dry completely, any drafts must be eliminated.

Just take care of your eyes. Due to their specific structure, they rarely tear. But the ears need to be given special attention - once every 7 days they should be carefully examined and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

Oral hygiene is also important. The cat's teeth are brushed several times a month with toothpaste from a pet store. To do this, use a soft brush or a finger wrapped in a bandage. The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper, and the animal itself cleans the sharp edges using a scratching post - there must be one in the house, otherwise furniture, carpets and curtains will be damaged.

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