Which cat is better to have in an apartment: the calmest, healthiest, active and unpretentious pets

Criterias of choice

When choosing a cat for an apartment, you need to understand the following features of each breed that is interesting to the buyer:

  • how quickly the animal gets used to new things;
  • noise (the cat should not disturb the neighbors);
  • the ability to tolerate loneliness (after all, most owners spend a lot of time at work);
  • contact (this is especially important if there are small children or other animals in the house);
  • degree of activity (a cat that needs high physical activity will not be comfortable in a closed room);
  • fussiness in care (long-haired pets will leave a lot of hair on soft surfaces if they are not combed regularly).

Important! You should choose an animal based on your own character and needs. A passive breed will not suit an active person, nor vice versa.


Photo Credit: gfacegrace Flickr via Compfight
Another feline native to Maine, but this time from the Isle of Man. This is where the name of the breed comes from. A distinctive feature of this breed is the absence of a tail, or a very short tail, as well as medium-length hair. Manx get along well with people, as they can subtly sense a person’s mood. With all this, Manx are excellent hunters and guards. Like a real watchdog, the Manx can begin to growl threateningly if he suddenly decides that something is a danger to him or your family. If suddenly the need arises to change the family for a cat, the Manx easily adapts to new people and a new environment.

Manxes are very obedient cats, and if you tell him not to scratch the sofa with his claws, he won't do it. However, in this case, it is better for you to offer him a scratching post instead of the sofa as an alternative.

Lifespan: 8-14 years.

Weight and size: height - 18-23 cm, weight - 3-6 kg

Care: brushing once or twice a week, more often during shedding.

Potential Difficulties

1. Cats go to the toilet . Yes, and “in a big way” too. Of course, cats are much more clean than dogs; they cannot go to the toilet due to carelessness or from excess emotions, but cats also happen to shit in the wrong place. There can be many reasons for this, but in this case the point is different - the area of ​​the apartment is small, and the smell of cat excrement is quite pungent. This can cause problems with neighbors or homeowners. Therefore, it is preferable to choose animals that are already tray-trained.

Cat litter and kitten

If you think that cats are easy to train and their instincts themselves will push them in the right direction, you are mistaken. Our editor is the proud owner of two large mongrel cats, one of whom completely refuses to remember that a trash can is the wrong place for his litter box. And even if it is possible to convince him of this today, it is not a fact that tomorrow the situation with the surprise found in the trash bin will not repeat itself.

2. Cats shed . And this is also a problem. Are you ready for your entire apartment to be strewn with cat hair? It will get everywhere: on clothes, in food, on all surfaces. In a small space, especially during periods of seasonal molting, cat hair turns into a real punishment.

Grooming a long-haired white cat

Moreover, some cats periodically develop dandruff, to which you or your family members may be allergic. So, when choosing an animal, you need to remember about the upcoming “war” with its fur, and if this is a problem for you, it is better to choose smooth-haired breeds or sphinxes in general. On the other hand, with proper care, problems with the coat will practically not arise. In any case, it is worth paying attention to this issue.

3. Cat's temperament or character . In some cases, it can also present very unpleasant surprises. If you live in a relatively small apartment, you should choose a furry friend of a breed that has the following characteristics:

  • lack of a pronounced instinct for one’s own territory;
  • easy perception of loneliness;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness towards strangers;
  • not too high activity.

The last thing is worth explaining - cats with high activity require a lot of space for their games. They physically need to spend their energy somewhere, so they rush around the apartment like mad, turning over various objects, damaging furniture, knocking you off your feet. Such animals need to be in the fresh air, so keeping them in an apartment will be problematic for you.

Cat or female cat – which one to choose?

If you would rather have a cat boy, be prepared for him to be independent; cats always have a distinct character and personality. He will rather condescend to you and allow himself to be stroked than to succumb to any kind of affection.

A cat’s home is his territory, here he will have fun to the fullest, hide and seek, surprise attacks on your and your guests’ legs, outdoor games with any objects that he can find and adapt. Of course, as a male, the cat will completely and completely consider your house to be his own, here he feels like the owner and undoubtedly he will know everything that happens in the apartment.

Photo from the site kote.mirtesen.ru

Curiosity in cats is usually more developed than in cats, and therefore all changes in the surroundings, design, or simply rearrangement of objects should immediately be carefully studied. Just know that your cat will be everywhere he can, sometimes even in several places at the same time, as it may seem.

As an owner, the cat will certainly monitor all your actions, and if you are doing something, your pet will definitely silently observe your actions. Cats always greet guests, accompany you in the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.

This is what matters: when you get a cat, there is a high probability that your role from now on is one of the ordinary members of his pride, so we advise you to immediately dot the i’s and not allow the animal to become the “leader” - show who is in the boss at home right away, then you won’t have to compete and quarrel with your pet.

If we take physiological characteristics, then it is necessary to mention that cats are not as neat as female cats, so your pet will probably miss the tray and pull food out of the bowl. Cats wash themselves the same way, less often than cats.

Photo from the site club.dtkt.com.ua

Boys are more likely to show aggression, this is due to the fact that not all your actions will suit the furry animal, and he will tell you about it. Well, the most important thing is the marks. Yes, cats mark their territory, this period begins from about six months to a year, but it should be noted that this does not happen for everyone, again this physiological feature is associated with psychology, if the cat is immediately put in its place and not allowed to feel like a leader, it may not even begin to mark all the corners.

And if you are still afraid of this prospect, castration surgery is very effective. It is better to do this as soon as the cat begins to mark, or not to wait and immediately consult a doctor as soon as your cat reaches a certain age.

Well, what if you still want a cat? What dangers or interesting features might there be?

Photo from boutique-aristokrat.jimdo.com

Cats are more affectionate than cats, we don’t want to say that cats are more attached to their owners, no, cats and cats equally love the people they live with and are equally sad if they don’t see you for a long time, but cats show their emotions more restrained and less need affection. The cat will caress, bask and demand your attention, care and love with all its might.

Girls are very clean, they can lick their fur for hours, and as soon as your pet thinks that you have stroked it with not very clean hands, it will immediately begin to wash itself again. Fluffy beauties also want to be queens in the house, but they do not get impudent the way boys do. The cat will achieve its goal through whims, hunger strikes and an extinguished appearance; they are born manipulators, and they will first achieve undivided love.

This is interesting

Cats are much cleaner than cats.

An interesting fact: cats behave differently depending on the gender of the person - they are gentle and affectionate with women, and they conquer men by looking into the eyes, arching their back, raising their tail - in general, they seduce, in a word.

If we talk about physiological issues, there is a significant disadvantage in keeping cats, in general, just like in keeping cats. These are in heat. When your pet is in heat, she becomes even more affectionate and even intrusive, constantly screaming day and night, and if she finds a way to sneak out into the street, rest assured that she will definitely bring you kittens.

Photo from the site cotofan.ru

If you have no plans to raise furry offspring, almost all veterinary clinics that perform sterilization operations are at your service. The heat will stop and the cat will become calmer.

Now let's talk about the breed, if you decide to buy a purebred animal.

Easiest to care for

When choosing a cat for your home, you should take into account that this or that breed requires different attention. Long-haired beauties are not the best choice for busy owners because they leave a lot of hair on carpets and furniture.

On the other hand, a completely bald Sphynx is also not the easiest option. This breed has a special regulation of body temperature: they are cold in winter and sweat in summer. Therefore, it is quite difficult to provide them with a comfortable existence.

Sphynx cat

The list below includes short-haired cats that do not require lengthy brushing:

  • Abyssinian (rarely sheds);
  • Bombay (healthy and unassuming breed);
  • Egyptian Mau (one of the oldest breeds, it is healthy and does not require special care);
  • Cornish Rex (rarely sheds, the coat feels like velor);
  • Siamese (combing once a week is enough);
  • oriental (practically does not shed).

Bombay cat

Egyptian Mau cat

Cornish Rex cat

Oriental cat

Important! Brushing the coat is not the only grooming requirement. Cleaning the eyes and ears, checking the condition of the teeth and claws - these are the things that are relevant for any cat.

Maine Coon

American cat breed, originally from Maine. You can always recognize cats of this breed by the presence of tufts on their ears. They also usually have a furry collar, like a lion. If you have aquarium fish or hamsters in your house, then the Maine Coon will be a good choice for your family, since cats of this breed do not tend to encroach on the lives of other pets of their owners. However, this cat will not give a chance to mice that suddenly look at the light. Maine Coons have a fairly high intelligence, which makes them easy to train. Males are generally more social than cats.

Maine Coons, like British Shorthair cats, develop rather slowly. They reach adult size only by 3-5 years.

Lifespan: 12-17 years.

Weight and size: height - from 25 to 41 cm, length - up to 120 cm, average weight of a cat - 10-12 kg, cat - 7-8 kg.

Care: due to the high cleanliness of this breed, you will only need to bathe your pet when necessary, but you will need to brush it twice a week. Also, because of the cat's cleanliness, you will have to ensure that your pet's litter box is always clean.

The calmest breeds

The best cat breeds for apartments based on the criterion of balanced character include:

  • Scottish Fold: quickly becomes attached to owners, but does not really like strangers;
  • British Shorthair: easily gets used to a new home and is ready to contact the family;
  • Persian: this breed of cat is suitable for those who like to communicate frequently with their pet. For Persians, the attention of their owners is very important, and they rarely show their dissatisfaction;
  • Burmese: affectionate and playful cats, get along well with people of different age categories;
  • Russian Blue: the pride of Russian selection. An extremely friendly breed, which nevertheless is able to easily tolerate the long absence of the owner from the house. One of the most common cats in the world;
  • ragdoll: a beautiful purebred cat, has a very kind and gentle disposition;
  • exotic: a fashionable breed that harmoniously combines loyalty and unobtrusiveness;
  • Canadian Sphynx: non-aggressive, quickly becomes attached to the owner, easily finds a common language with other animals. He can be taught tricks and walked in a harness.

Scottish fold cat

Russian blue cat

Exotic cat

Canadian Sphynx

This is interesting! Sphynxes rarely meow, which is important for a city apartment with thin walls.

The cleverest

Among animals, dogs are considered to be the smartest. The intellectual abilities of cats are often underestimated, considering them incapable of learning. However, among the representatives of the cat family there are many who have developed intelligence.

The best intellectuals among cats:

Turkish Angora

  • Turkish Angora – has a developed and flexible mind and good memory, is able to understand and remember commands, is distinguished by courage and the ability to make quick decisions;
  • Norwegian Forest is a true intellectual, has good manners and submissive behavior, is not capable of doing dirty tricks and mischief in the apartment in the absence of the owners;
  • oriental – has high intelligence and moderate activity, is accustomed to respect and reverent attitude towards one’s person;
  • The Siamese is one of the most intelligent and inquisitive breeds, curious, often unpredictable and willful, quite active and does not like locked rooms in the house.

Oriental cat

The most devoted

Mekong Bobtail

These short-haired cats with a characteristic curved tail are very curious and active. Animals are distinguished by restraint, friendliness and good learning ability. They are easy to train and can quickly remember basic commands. Mekong Bobtails very rarely show aggression, and prefer not to scratch, but to bite the offender. They love communication, willingly play with children, and have a hard time with the long absence of their owner. Cats are very clean and require minimal grooming.

Oriental cats

These amazing cats combine gracefulness and strong muscles. A playful character, curiosity and devotion to the owner are the hallmarks of this breed. These cats cannot be given to another owner as adults, otherwise they will become very sad. Orientals require constant attention and do not like to be alone. If there is enough attention, the cat becomes affectionate and gentle, and will purr peacefully on the owner’s lap. The animals are easy to train, very active, and even as adults they love to run after a ball or a piece of paper.


Cats of this breed are famous for their loyalty to their owners and their friendliness to children and pets. They are very calm, sometimes even phlegmatic. Therefore, to maintain activity, walks in the fresh air with the owner, various games and fun are required. Ragdolls are sociable and easy to train, which is why they are sometimes compared to dogs. These cats react very sensitively to intonation and have a hard time dealing with family quarrels. Therefore, it will not be easy for them to live next to hot-tempered and emotional people.

For a cat to be happy next to you, it must feel like a full member of the family. Give him love and affection, and he will repay you with the same feelings.

Breeds with good health

The healthiest cats are mongrel cats. They sometimes have to survive in harsh street conditions, since they are often deprived of a warm home, tasty food and loving owners. Such animals undergo natural selection - they survive strong, strong and healthy.

A kitten or adult cat taken from the street will have good health and good immunity. Such a pet must be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination in order to receive the necessary vaccinations and cure existing diseases, if any.

If the owners want to take a purebred pet into their home, they should pay attention to such animals as:

Bengal cat

  • Bengal cat - has excellent health, a submissive disposition, loves to play and gets along well with children, is undemanding in care, has good genetics - for this reason she rarely gets sick;
  • Siamese - a cat with a strict disposition and strong immunity, perfect for living with one owner, does not welcome other animals or large crowds of people nearby;
  • Maine Coon - such a pet is more suitable for keeping in a private house, since it catches mice well, but it will also be comfortable and cozy in an apartment;
  • Siberian is an ancient breed that calmly tolerates drafts and cold, rarely gets sick, but needs affection and care from the owner.

Siberian cat

Top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia

The ranking of the most famous cat breeds includes:

  1. Burmese cats. Burmas are great for those who are willing to pay a lot of attention to them. They are quite contact and gentle, and also do not require much space.
  2. Ragdoll. Families with younger children can safely get a Ragdoll. Representatives of the breed are sweet, obedient and affectionate with people. A distinctive feature of the Ragdoll is its rare patience.
  3. British shorthair cat. The British are lazy and measured, which corresponds to the popular opinion about all English people. They are patient and obedient, so you can safely leave a small child with them. With proper care, Britons can live for 2 decades.
  4. Manx. Not everyone can choose such a luxury as a Manx. Unlike other family cats, they are by no means calm. On the contrary, Manx cats require a lot of play, exercise and communication. They are very smart: some owners even teach them commands, which brings these animals closer to dogs.
  5. Abyssinian cat. Abyssinians have an expressive appearance and a wonderful disposition. They are gentle, intelligent and lively, making them suitable for active families with young children.
  6. Burmese shorthair cat. The Burmese is a good choice for those who love cute and active pets. The fact is that this breed is classified as “eternal kittens.” Burmese retain their childlike character until the end of their lives, so there is no more suitable pet for families with children or single people who are willing to pay a lot of attention to their pets. However, it is worth considering that the weight of these beauties can reach 6 kilograms. This is where their nickname comes from - “brick wrapped in silk.”
  7. American shorthair cats. Americans are the generalists of the cat world. They are affectionate, playful, have excellent health, appreciate the attention of the owner and get along well with other pets. And their short hair makes them easy to care for.
  8. Siamese cats. The Siamese are famous among the Russian people for their aggressiveness and quarrelsomeness. However, this is just a stereotype. Siamese cats are very smart and affectionate. They love to play and appreciate the attention of their owners. There is an opinion that boys of this breed are more loyal than girls. This must be taken into account when choosing who to get - a cat or a female cat.
  9. Persian cats. Persians remain one of the most popular cat breeds. There are reasons for this: they are attached to the family and prefer a measured lifestyle. However, they will not refuse to play if their beloved owner offers them.
  10. Maine Coon. The Maine Coon is one of the most sought after cats in the world. Her proud appearance and large dimensions cannot but attract the eye. Maine Coons are quite affectionate with their owners and get along well with other pets. But with strangers they maintain cool neutrality. Despite their considerable size, they do not need a lot of free space. Maine Coons get along better with adults, and therefore are not very suitable for families with small children.

This is interesting! According to genetic tests, Maine Coons are closely related to Norwegian Forest cats.

Burmese cat

Ragdoll cat

Manx cat

Abyssinian cat

Burmese cat

American shorthair cat

Siamese cat

Persian cat

Maine Coon cat


The most active and irrepressible breeds include:

  • Abyssinian cat: always explores the whole house and climbs the hills, while managing to follow the movements of the owner. If it seems to her that the owner is busy with something more interesting, she will definitely rush to “help” him;
  • Bengal cat: a miniature leopard that matches the habits of its wild ancestors. Bengals love to play and explore new things;
  • Egyptian Mau: has many similarities with the Abyssinian cat, which is not surprising, since both active beauties were favorites of the pharaohs;
  • Turkish Van: playfulness is about him. The cat loves to explore, climb and swim. Van really enjoys interacting with his owner and is devoted to only one owner all his life;
  • Ocicat: a breed that adapts well to human habitation. Cats are great at opening cabinets, bedside tables and doors, and then enthusiastically explore the new space;
  • Kurilian Bobtail: an aboriginal cat, has many canine traits in its character (very smart, devoted to its family, easily learns commands and is somewhat suspicious of strangers).

Bengal cat

Turkish van cat

Ocicat cat

Kurilian bobtail cat

This is interesting! Bobtails are one of the few cats that do not mark their territory. In addition, they love to swim, and therefore, in addition to hunting, they love fishing.

Difficulties of keeping cats in apartments

Not all representatives of the cat family fit perfectly into the confined space of an apartment due to:

  • sizes;
  • coat structure;
  • temperament and need for movement;
  • cleanliness.

Hybrid breeds

Hybrid breeds bear the striking features of their wild ancestors, possessing a pronounced territorial instinct and hunting passion. Because of this, they tend to engage in violent, active play, hunting from ambush for any moving object, including a vacuum cleaner brush and the owner's feet.

Realizing the desire to actively move, such animals organize high-speed races for balls, artificial mice and feather teasers, overcoming any height and crushing obstacles. In addition, pets do not get along very well in the same territory with other animals, trying to become the “king of the pride.” These are:

  • Bengal;
  • Serengeti;
  • savannah;
  • chausie;
  • caraquet.

Large and energetic hybrids feel more at ease in a large living space, but when kept in an enclosure without constant contact with humans, they quickly run wild. They will be able to splash out their energy while walking outside on a leash and having fun on multi-level “sports equipment” for jumping and climbing.

Long-haired breeds

Long-haired cats are incredibly beautiful, but their owners have to put up with the ubiquitous fine hairs that stick to clothes, get into food and fly in the air.

During the molting period, they shed their luxurious fur coat more intensively, which affects the sanitary condition of the room and requires careful cleaning.

Considering that cats love to climb higher and rest on soft and warm things, you may have to order special covers for upholstered furniture. In addition, long-haired pets require:

  1. Regular combing to avoid the formation of tangles.
  2. Special vitamin and mineral supplements that improve coat quality and stabilize shedding.
  3. Systematic use of malt paste, whose ingredients lubricate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and facilitate the natural removal of hairballs swallowed by the cat when licking. To avoid the formation of compressed wool trichobezoars in the stomach, stalks of sprouted “cat” grass and special dry food are also used.

Representatives. Long-haired cats include:

  • Persians;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Norwegian forest;
  • Burmese;
  • Siberians;
  • Somalis;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Turkish van.

Outbred cats brought from the street

Yard murkas, compared to their purebred counterparts, are much more tenacious and self-sufficient, but at the same time:

  1. It’s hard to wean yourself off the street. It is difficult for an animal whose ancestors were left to their own devices to come to terms with forced seclusion and accept the lifestyle imposed by humans. Despite the warmth, satiety and comfort, pets are eager to go outside, trying to escape through the door and window. During the period of cat weddings, the desire to “wander wherever you please” turns out to be the most acute, which is associated with a large number of escapes and falls from heights, ending tragically. Only such a radical method as castration and sterilization can moderate freedom-loving ardor.
  2. They have an unpredictable character, so that one individual of the “noble breed” can be tame to the point of obsessiveness, while another can be wild and uncommunicative, capable of easily using its claws and teeth.
  3. They are prone to exhibit bad manners behavior, such as stealing food from the table, digging up soil in flower pots, or tearing wallpaper. Often bad habits and indomitable spirit are so strong that no amount of tricks can help rehabilitate them.
  4. They have problems with litter box training. An adult cat, accustomed to relieving itself on the street, may stubbornly ignore the tray, choosing a washstand, bathtub, trash can or basket with laundry prepared for washing as a latrine. Sometimes former ownerless cats shit in an apartment anywhere, or they do it specifically in shoes or bed.

For children

Choosing a breed that is suitable for a child is not so easy. On the one hand, the animal must be loyal to games, and on the other hand, be patient and forgive children's pranks.

Cats that equally possess these qualities include:

  • Kurilian bobtail (a playful “catdog” who will gladly share the child’s enthusiasm);
  • Manx (a very smart and energetic cat, he prefers intellectual games);
  • Turkish Van (suitable for an older child who can look after him and become a full-fledged owner for the pet);
  • ragdoll (a calmer cat for children that can easily tolerate careless pranks);
  • Burmese cat (contact and affectionate Burmese cats will be happy to receive the attention of their little owners).


The British are not a particularly playful breed. They prefer a calmer and more measured lifestyle, so such pets are suitable for adults or families with older children.

Despite some laziness, the British remain patient and obedient animals.

If, according to myths, cats of other breeds have 9 lives, then the British have no less than 20! With proper care, representatives of this breed live on average two decades.

What do you need to prepare?

When choosing a pet for an apartment, you need to remember that the cat will live side by side with its owner for many years. It is necessary to choose a four-legged companion taking into account the characteristics of your character and lifestyle, so that living together with an animal is as comfortable as possible for both.

To make your cat feel comfortable in the apartment, you need to organize her personal space - a warm corner. It is advisable to purchase a scratching post, a bed, a ball and other toys so that the pet can entertain itself on its own.

Be sure to purchase:

  • toilet tray (with or without filler);
  • bowls for food and clean water (not plastic);
  • slicker brush (for long-haired breeds and animals with thick undercoat);
  • a carrier for visits to the veterinary clinic and travel;
  • wet or dry food.

The best breeds for an apartment

Maine Coon

Cats are characterized by their rather large size, have heavy clawed paws, and have lynx-like tufts at the tips of their ears.
The general stern expression of the animal's muzzle gives the impression that the cat has a difficult character with a tendency toward unkindness and savagery. However, in reality, under such an impressive appearance lies a very flexible disposition and kind character, which makes the animals even more attractive. The character of the Maine Coon was formed over many years of breeding work. During the selection process, it was possible to consolidate both the external characteristics of the breed and its psychological characteristics. The behavior of an animal depends not only on the conditions in which it was raised and raised, but also largely on heredity, and therefore aggressive, withdrawn and nervous animals are excluded from the breeding process. It is often said about this breed that these are the most atypical representatives of cats, meaning mainly their behavioral characteristics. Cats are not reserved and not selfish, although they feel absolutely comfortable alone. They also walk on their own without much pleasure, as they prefer pleasant company. The breed is sociable and focused specifically on humans, although cats do not avoid other animals. Maine Coons get along well with children and become attached to them. One of the main distinctive features that clearly distinguishes these pets from other cats is their love of water. Animals love to swim. It often uses its front paws like a dog - raking the ground or leaves. They are not too prone to kitchen theft; they climb onto the dining table solely out of curiosity, in order to sit higher and have a greater view.


  • Large beautiful breed with an easy-going character;
  • Gets along well with small children and pets;
  • Very soft wool;
  • You can easily teach any tricks.


  • Quite expensive;
  • It may start chewing on wires.

Canadian Sphynx

A very kind animal, so docile that it can get along with anyone. The only difficulty in keeping it is the need to protect your pet from cold and drafts. Even in summer, the sphinx must wear special costumes.

Russian blue cat

These cats have amazing beauty - bright blue or green eyes and rich bluish-gray color of short fur. They are very intelligent and delicate in their behavior. Representatives of this breed feel great in an apartment and are not at all inclined to mischief or organize “races along the walls.”

The Russian Blue is an intelligent cat that thrives in an apartment.

Russian Blue cats get along great with other pets and children. But in relation to strangers, they are shy and avoid contact, preferring to hide somewhere. If you do not often invite guests, such cats will become wonderful friends and trouble-free roommates for you.

Selkirk rex

A very unusual pet, the history of the breed began in 1987. These rexes are distinguished by curly hair, even their antennae curl. Selkirks are very friendly and not capricious. But you shouldn’t dry their coat with a hairdryer - a loud sound is extremely stressful for the animal.

A funny cat with curls is a very unusual pet

Norwegian forest

Powerful semi-longhaired cat. The appearance is a mixture of wild and domestic cat. Restrained, calm, loves to hunt, rarely shows a feeling of fear. Despite its appearance, the cat is affectionate and friendly. She does not impose her company, but is devoted to her owner. Loves to explore new corners. When kept in an apartment, the pet can be walked on a harness along the street to satisfy its need to explore the unknown.


  • calm character;
  • weasel;
  • good health.


  • genetic predisposition to liver cirrhosis;
  • complexity of content.


The name of the breed can be literally translated as “rag doll” - these cats limp funny if you try to pick them up and do not at all resist active “hugs” from humans. The character is quite phlegmatic, but at the same time cats of this breed are smart and strongly attached to their owner. They are also very child friendly and get along well with dogs. Caring for them is quite easy, despite the fluffiness of this breed.

Ragdolls are very large, fluffy and friendly cats.

Ragdoll cats sometimes grow very large - males can weigh up to 9 kg, so despite their calm nature, cohabiting with such an animal can be uncomfortable with a very small living space. But this breed is exclusively domestic - they are not adapted for life on the street due to their trusting and non-aggressive nature.

British cat

The breed is perfect for home keeping, largely due to its good health and calm nature.
The physiology and appearance of animals was formed in conditions of high humidity and a fairly cool climate, so pets have dense, dense and short vegetation, which can reliably protect against cold and moisture. These cats are excellent hunters, they are hardy, strong and unpretentious in food. The head is distinguished by a wide skull and a round shape, the cheeks are developed, with wide cheekbones. The nose is also quite straight, wide and short. The ears are small, slightly rounded, set wide and low. The eyes are round and located at a considerable distance from each other. The body is massive, it has a developed chest, and the muscles are highly developed. The limbs are short but powerful. The tail is thick, the weight of cats can reach about 14 kg, cats are much lighter - a maximum of 9 kg. Wool protects the animal from the cold largely due to the developed undercoat. It does not adhere directly to the skin and feels plush to the touch. Sometimes you can meet a long-haired British dog. A special recessive gene is responsible for this feature, so such kittens cannot appear in short-haired parents. Cats have an independent character and tolerate loneliness well. They usually don’t ask to be held, but they treat their owners with respect and love and rarely show their feelings. They won’t just approach strangers - they will first observe them from the sidelines. The British breed is not aggressive; they use their claws and teeth in the most exceptional cases, so they are absolutely not dangerous for children. Despite the fact that the British are distinguished by their strong natural health, they need special care - it is necessary to choose the right food, it is advisable to do this together with a veterinarian, and regular examination by a specialist is recommended. Coat care is also simple: the animal is brushed twice a week with a slicker brush, bathed a couple of times a year or as needed.


  • A very calm and intelligent animal;
  • Plush to the touch wool that does not require special care;
  • High natural immunity;
  • Treats household members with respect and does not harm animals.


  • He sits in his arms only at his own request.

Turkish Angora

A snow-white beauty who is not afraid of water and is ready to endure hygiene procedures without any problems. He loves classical music very much, so he is ideal for families of musicians.


Representatives of this breed come in both long-haired and short-haired varieties. A characteristic feature of these cats is that in some cases they are tailless, although there are Manx cats with a full tail. But despite such anatomical features, cats of this breed are very playful and dexterous. They have small dimensions - the weight of males rarely exceeds 5 kg, females are even smaller.

Isle of Man tailless cat

For living in an apartment, it is preferable to choose short-haired representatives of this breed. Manx cats love to live indoors, so being constantly “within four walls” does not cause them any stress. They are wonderful companions - there is an opinion that nature compensated for the lack of a tail with a special charm.

Abyssinian breed

One of the oldest cat breeds that can be found on sale today.
Their majesty and grace are combined here with a very kind and affectionate character. The animal gets along well with other pets and does not mind playing with small children. An unusual and very beautiful color, distinguished by ticking - the characteristic iridescence of the coat. Cats are a little timid and afraid of sharp and loud sounds. Quite active animals often play around and thereby cause harm to themselves, for example, falling out of a window. Representatives of this breed love to sit at heights, climb shelves and walk through cabinets. They prefer the company of people and do not tolerate prolonged loneliness. It is easy to train a cat to use a litter box and a scratching post, so it will not damage the furniture at all. The rules established at home are respected and are easy to train. The animal is very clean, practically does not shed, and the attitude towards bathing is either neutral or positive. Health is very good, the pet is unpretentious to food and care. The cats are flexible and strong, with a medium body size. The muscles of the paws and back are highly developed, the paws are very long, thanks to them the cat can jump a considerable distance - about six times the length of their body. Males are somewhat larger than cats, but sexual demorphism is not as pronounced as in many other breeds. As a rule, body weight ranges from 3 to 4.5 kg. The cats have a chiseled silhouette, a harmonious physique, they move very gracefully, and in their manner of movement they resemble miniature cougars. The cat's eyes are quite large and have an almond-shaped cut. Their color can vary from amber to green. The cat's neck is long and very elegant. The body is moderately elongated and has harmonious proportions. The paws are strong, long and thin.


  • Energetic and active animals;
  • Developed intelligence, cunning prevails in character;
  • Loyal and devoted pets;
  • Affectionate animals;
  • Do not require significant care.


  • It is advisable to bring him into a large apartment, as he loves to run everywhere and explore everything.

Sacred Burma

A semi-long-haired breed of cat, resembling the Siamese in color. Very smart and intelligent, she quickly learns the rules of behavior in the house.

Very beautiful and noble, sacred Burma, will become the pride of its owner


The most loyal animal in a cat's body.
It’s not for nothing that they call her a dog in a cat’s body - she dotes on her owners and is ready to literally follow them on their heels. With all this, representatives of this breed are very graceful, which does not fit very well with their impressive mass. Today there are two versions of this breed - American and European - they differ from each other in appearance, but not in habits. The Burmese retains its vigorous activity and playfulness throughout its life. She will not give up chasing a thrown ball even in old age. These animals always subtly sense the mood of the owner, so they will never bother with excessive attention and importunity, or they will do everything possible to cheer up their loved one. This breed does not require special maintenance conditions, so it is suitable even for those people who have decided to have a cat for the first time in their lives. The Burmese gets along very easily with any pets, especially if they do not show excessive hostility towards them. The breed is an excellent option for families with small children. Animals are very lenient with children, so they take part in their games as much as possible. They have high intelligence, making them very easy to train. Although pets are characterized by excellent grace and elegance, they are quite heavy for their size - cats can weigh up to 5.5 kg, lighter cats - about 3.5-4 kg. The breed is short-haired, the American version is stockier than the European representatives. The head is wedge-shaped, the cheekbones are well defined, the chin protrudes forward in line with the nose. The ears are far from each other, slightly tilted forward. The eyes are set wide, large and expressive. The neck is quite long, thin and strong. The tail is not too long, straight.


  • Flexible and active character;
  • They love their owners very much and are devoted to them;
  • Easy to teach various commands;
  • Suitable for people who are going to have a cat at home for the first time;
  • Good health and unpretentiousness to food and living conditions.


  • A very heavy animal for its size.

American Shorthair

When deciding which cats are best to keep in an apartment, many people choose representatives of this breed. These are very good-natured and no less beautiful animals, reminiscent of the British in appearance. Marble color is the main decoration of pets.


This breed is very easy to recognize due to its original appearance, contrasting coloring, and expressive turquoise eyes.
Although cats have a rather complex character, however, according to experts, such pets are among the most optimal in apartment conditions. Another distinctive feature is a fairly loud voice, distinguished by unusual intonations; the breed has a craving for verbal communication with its owners. Cats have a strong attachment to their owner and do not tolerate loneliness quite well. However, most representatives are too jealous of other household members and other pets kept in the house. Caring for Siamese cats is very simple: just follow basic recommendations, carefully monitor their diet, and also visit a veterinarian for a preventive examination. The health of pets is generally good, with the exception of several diseases to which this particular breed is prone, the average life expectancy of an animal is about 15 years. Some pets may experience slight squinting. The Siamese cat is slender, with a muscular body with elongated lines, its size and weight are small - a maximum of 6 kg, but such figures are extremely rare. The paws are elegantly shaped, long and thin, the hind legs are longer than the front ones. The tail is long and thin, tapering towards the tip.


  • Quite attractive appearance;
  • Has excellent health;
  • Attached to the owner.


  • The owner is very jealous of other household members and pets;
  • A vindictive animal.


These are very beautiful animals with long thick hair. It is very important that such beauties should only be born if the owner has the opportunity to brush the pet regularly.

What determines a cat's character?

Undoubtedly, the breed of a cat affects its character. Before getting a pet, we advise you to study the information and consult with the breeder. Character traits are inherited from generation to generation. After all, a breed is a group of animals that were selected for specific characteristics.

Owners of purebred cats will tell you that the British, for example, do not like to sit on their hands, but are not averse to frolicking with their owner. Canadian Sphynxes are loving and sociable creatures, and Ragdolls allow you to do whatever you want with them, and never use their claws.

Despite the fact that character is transmitted genetically, each kitten is individual. Hypothetically, you can look at a mother cat and imagine how your pet will grow up. Babies adopt the habits of their parents, so if one of them behaves warily around people, then the kittens will grow up distrustful.

Life experiences also influence a cat's personality. This applies more to yard animals. If Murka has been bullied on the street, it will be extremely difficult to gain her trust.

Socialization is another factor that determines the character of cats. It is important to address this issue as early as possible. The kitten needs to be shown who he can trust and who he can be friends with - otherwise he will remain wild. It is important to introduce your baby to people and other animals before the age of four months. At an early age, an idea of ​​the surrounding world is formed, which undoubtedly influences the formation of the animal’s personality.

British scientists from the University of Lincoln have found that not only dogs are able to copy human behavior - cats can also do this, but in slightly different ways.

Experts analyzed more than 3,000 families in which cats live: they assessed the character of the animal and its owners, state of health, habits, way of life, and tendency to gain excess weight. In the course of research, it was possible to establish that the pets of people suffering from increased anxiety also demonstrated behavioral disorders: cats scratched furniture, were extremely nervous, and gained excess weight.

By the way, such problems were most often identified in purebred animals. According to researchers, pets are rarely or never allowed outside due to fears for their lives. Cats that have the opportunity to walk outside have enough physical activity and “social contact” feel calmer and look healthier.

Such conclusions look strange in the current realities, because purebred cats are rarely allowed to walk in the yard, especially if the owners live in a high-rise building on the 25th floor. In addition, it is dangerous for a castrated cat to walk on the street - he simply will not be able to stand up for himself and gain a foothold in the hierarchy of yard “mustachioed bandits.” Do not forget about the danger of contracting an infectious disease. In any case, free range is a dangerous thing for both the cat and its owner.

Other scientists' conclusions are less dubious. It's about the atmosphere in the family. Undoubtedly, calm owners have animals that are more sociable and playful and rarely suffer from psychosomatic disorders. Cats are capable of adopting the traits of their owners, so their environment has a huge influence on the formation of their character.

Conventionally, cats can be divided according to behavior and temperament into five types:

  1. A human cat shares space, home, and everyday life with people. This type of dog loves to gently “butt” its owner with its head, lie on its knees, massage with its paws and purr. A kind of therapy cat, in harmony with the outside world. The more human warmth and attention she receives, the better she feels.
  2. The hunting cat has innate hunting skills and is happy to demonstrate them. She is agile and fast. Her movements are clear and swift. The huntress knows how to sneak up and attack unnoticed. You can determine her temperament by how she behaves with realistic soft toys. Often the cat clamps the “victim” in its teeth and desperately drums on it with its hind paws. Such murkas feel best in a country house. City dwellers, as an option, can take them to their dacha in the summer. When free, the hunter finds herself in her element: exploring the territory and tracking down her prey.
  3. A female cat gets a positive experience from interacting with her relatives. She does not shy away from other cats and does not fight with them for territory and resources. Since infancy, she lives, communicates and plays with her fellow tribesmen. A female cat can easily be identified by the way it interacts with other cats: they pet, nuzz, play, and lick each other. Such pets prefer the company of cats, but at the same time they are extremely picky about friendship.
  4. The quarrelsome cat is not endowed with natural tolerance towards others and is constantly in a state of combat readiness. It is difficult to build relationships with such pets. This requires a lot of patience on the part of the owner. A feisty cat is independent, needs space to play, does not like to cuddle, and has a negative attitude towards the tenderness of a calf. This is the same cat that “walks on its own.”
  5. An inquisitive cat loves to poke her nose into the affairs of the household. Natural curiosity makes her sniff everything that attracts attention. This behavior is hereditary and also indicates childhood habits. Such pets will be comfortable in a large apartment or private house, especially if its owners are famous for their hospitality and often receive guests. The inquisitive cat loves to sniff and explore people and the contents of their bags.

Is it worth adopting a purebred cat?

Some people prefer "mutts". These cats did not have noble ancestors in their family or they have mixed roots. And this has its advantages. For example, mestizos have better health than their “blue-blooded” counterparts. This is due to the wider gene pool. Therefore, the risk of genetic diseases is very low.

However, such cats often have an independent character, and their hunting instincts are more pronounced. Adults love to mark territory, and it is not very easy to wean them from this habit.

The “mongrel” has better health

At the same time, purebred cats have predictable habits. They value cleanliness more because breeders select for breeding those individuals that are less prone to marking territory.

At what age is it better to adopt a cat?

An adult cat or a cute baby? This seems like a minor issue, but age is an important factor.


As a rule, kittens are taken into the house. It is believed that in childhood the animal gets used to the new environment better.

Attention! The kitten must be at least three months old.

A cat feeds its cubs with milk until they are three months old. This is important because the baby acquires primary immunity. It is the mother who takes best care of health and knows what her “child” needs. Communication with the parent is also responsible for socialization. An early break with a nursing female is fraught with the following problems for the offspring:

  • mental disorders;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • weak immunity.

The mother accustoms the cubs to unfamiliar food, instills hygiene skills, shows how to use a tray and sharpen their claws.

Temporary immunity is transmitted to the kitten with milk.

Cats are vaccinated at 8 and 12 weeks (booster vaccination). Therefore, after 3 months the body is maximally protected from infections.


Animals older than a year are reluctant to be taken into an apartment due to prejudice. But veterinarians assure: often these are just myths that have no basis in reality.

Table 1. The most common misconceptions of future cat owners.


It is easier to train a kitten to the litter boxAdults quickly understand what is wanted from them. And if they are already toilet trained, they will not shit anywhere, with rare exceptions and for “good reasons” (stress, illness, etc.)
An adult cat will not accept a new ownerAnimals that have experienced cold and hunger appreciate taking care of themselves. Kittens take everything for granted and are spoiled
The child needs a kittenAdult cats are more tolerant of children. Many of them have the talent of a nanny and stoically endure the importunity of children.
The owners abandoned the cat because he behaved badlyAn animal may be left without owners due to their death, relocation, birth of a child, or other “harmless” reasons.
If you take a kitten, it will grow up healthyThis is not a fact due to unformed immunity. Kittens are more prone to serious illnesses and suffer more severely from infections.

Adult cats are often more comfortable than kittens

Is it possible to adopt a cat from a shelter?

People who decided to take such a step believe that it was done correctly. They argue that there are many reasons why a shelter cat will do well in an apartment.

Table 2. Pros and cons of a shelter cat.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • at the shelter they are trained to use a tray;
  • the animal is usually already castrated;
  • the character of the future pet is known, while everything is unclear with the kitten;
  • curators provide information support to the “adoptive parent”.
  • chronic diseases are likely, since such cats are usually picked up on the street;
  • it is necessary to gain love and respect, since street animals do not really trust people;
  • it is necessary to maintain contact with the curator so that he can make sure of the well-being of his ward.

As for communication with curators, this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as volunteers or shelter workers understand that their pupil is in good hands, they stop disturbing the new owner.

Don't be afraid to adopt a cat from a shelter - this has its advantages

Shelters are also found through social networks - usually such organizations have pages. If you couldn’t find an adoption center in your city, you will definitely find one in a neighboring town.

For reference. ADOPTION

(from Latin
- adoption), a form of establishing artificial kinship - the inclusion of an individual or several individuals in any related group or family. The motives for adoption could be different: providing a lonely person with a certain status in the system of social connections...

Lifehack. From several institutions, the smallest ones are chosen, with the number of inhabitants up to 50 individuals. The cats there are more well-groomed and better cared for.

Living in an apartment with a cat: tips and tricks

When you get a cat, you need to fully understand that it will need to be taken care of properly. This is not a living soft toy, but a full-fledged animal. You need to take into account not only your own interests, but also hers. Having adopted a cat, you will have to make some changes to your apartment and your own life. The pet needs to be given time, care, hygiene, and health care. Before buying a cat, you need to weigh the pros and cons. An animal should not be thrown out onto the street when it becomes unwanted.

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