Each furry pet, be it a purebred representative of a rare breed, a hybrid or a “yard” inhabitant, is unique. But from the motley cat brotherhood, the chocolate Yorkie cat . The cat with delicate brown fur and flexible character is rapidly gaining fans around the world. Despite the lack of recognition by most international organizations and the rich history of breeding the breed, the handsome Yorkie easily wins over cat lovers thanks to his attractive exterior with hints of exoticism combined with a friendly disposition.


The British Chocolate cat can come in any coat color range, ranging from light brown to almost black. The most valuable specimens are those with a dark, rich color. This warm color should not have residual tabby patterns, white spots characteristic of patterned colors, or hairs of a different color.

The eye color of a British chocolate cat can be either copper or dark orange. The nose and paw pads should be chestnut-chocolate color


A very rare breed with mysterious origins. Its first representatives were found in a house bought by a British family. There lived two cats whose fur had an amazing chocolate shade.


Subsequently, this breed acquired other interesting colors - cinnamon (cinnamon), golden, black, beige. They also have a very good character - affectionate, friendly and sociable cats can be excellent companions. Interestingly, Chantilly is not the first name of the breed. At first, these cats were supposed to be called “foreign longhair,” but this name was considered too impersonal. The second was “Tiffany” - later they also abandoned it. But “Chantilly” has taken root quite well.



Below is a gallery of photos of British chocolate-colored cats.

Keeping a pet

For comfortable living together, cats need their own corner for sleeping, playing, eating, and hanging out. Therefore, the basic pet kit includes:

  • Bed;
  • scratching post;
  • Separate bowls for food and water;
  • Tray, filler;
  • Care products (brushes, furminator, shampoo, antistatic agent if necessary).

Yorkies are good at using a scratching post.

The main difficulty in caring for a pet is its long hair. To make it look beautiful and keep your pet healthy, it is recommended to comb it every 3 days (every day during the molting period). To do this you need:

  1. Untangle the resulting tangles, smooth out the wool;
  2. Go through the furminator (once a week);
  3. Brush the fur with a steel brush and then with a rubber brush to completely remove excess hair.

Once a week you should also check the condition of your eyes and ears. Gently wipe off dirt using a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or plain water.

In order for the cat to be cheerful and feel comfortable in the house, it is recommended to often play outdoor games. If possible, you can walk him outside.


Chocolate Yorkies love outdoor games and walks.

Bacteria that accumulate in a cat's mouth lead to the formation of tartar and gum inflammation. To prevent the problem, regular teeth brushing (once a month) and proper nutrition are recommended.


The gallery contains photos of British chocolate-colored kittens.

In our cattery you can “buy a real British kitten.” We have many different colors, we will help you choose and answer all your questions!

Havana brown

The ancestors of this breed are considered to be Thai and Siamese cats, which were crossed with suitable short-haired species. As a result, Miranda von Ullman, Anne Hargreaves and Mrs. Fisher managed to develop a new breed in the 50s. These cats were first presented at a British exhibition in 1959.


Features of the breed are a narrow head, large ears and green eyes. Their color is quite varied and is represented by shades of brown. These cats are distinguished by high intelligence and exquisite grace. Interestingly, this breed received its name in honor of Cuban cigars due to its similar color.

Purchasing a kitten

There are only a few nurseries with chocolate breeds in the whole world, most of them are located in America and Canada, a few in Europe. It is impossible to find a purebred Yorkie cat in Russia; if you suddenly see an advertisement, then most likely these are scammers who are offering a simple cat, passing it off as a purebred one.

If you decide to buy a purebred kitten, then find the nursery from which you want to adopt a pet. Read reviews about the nursery itself, study the conditions of detention. When choosing a kitten, do not forget to check all the necessary documents (kitten birth certificate or pedigree, veterinary passport, parent pedigrees), ask to see the kittens’ parents.

Before purchasing, carefully study all the information about the breed so that you can choose the best kitten. When choosing, look at the behavior of the kittens: a healthy kitten should be active and mobile. If your pet is sitting in a corner looking lethargic, then something is wrong with him. Look at the kittens' fur, it should be fluffy and shiny, and their eyes should not water. Kittens must be treated for fleas and worms; all these nuances must be noted in the veterinary passport along with vaccinations.

When choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to its behavior and appearance.

It is best to adopt a kitten at about 1.5–2 months; it is at this age that the cat stops feeding her babies, the kittens begin to eat on their own and also go to the toilet on their own.


Kittens up to three months are fed 6 times a day, up to six months - 5 times, up to a year - 3 times, older ones - in the morning and evening.

If the owner does not have time to prepare food, you can opt for the industrial food option. It comes in 4 quality groups: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic. For show cats, they choose a holistic treatment that has no harmful ingredients and a balanced composition of microelements. If the owner just wants to maintain the health of the pet, you can choose super-premium for long-haired breeds.

You need to know the following about feeding a cat natural food: the presence of pesticides, GMOs, flavorings, artificial additives, hormones in food is not allowed, and the food must be fresh, while 80% of the diet is proteins, the rest is vegetable fats, carbohydrates (energy source) , fiber (for digestion), trace elements and vitamins (calcium, iodine, selenium, magnesium).

  • Protein sources: meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, lamb - every day), fish (twice a week), raw eggs (every 2 days), low-fat cottage cheese and kefir (every other day), unsweetened yogurt, hard unsalted cheeses (once a week).
  • Fiber and carbohydrates: porridge (barley, oatmeal, liquid semolina), vegetables and fruits (broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, apples, carrots, zucchini, green beans, cucumbers). Include in your daily diet.
  • Sources of fats: 2 drops of vegetable oil or fish oil in porridge.
  • Microelements and vitamins: supplements (only on the recommendation of a veterinarian), brewer's yeast.

Regardless of the type of food, the cat should always have access to fresh, warm water.


The breed has no hereditary diseases. At the same time, individuals have a fairly strong immune system due to their yard roots and are rarely exposed to diseases, especially if all vaccinations have been completed:

  • Deworming once every 3 months;
  • Treatment for external parasites;
  • Vaccinate annually against rabies and feline infections.

Yorkie cats do not have genetic diseases, but require vaccinations

The most common ailments are related to the condition of the coat, teeth, ears and joints:

  • Problems with the coat: it becomes dull, dandruff appears, bald spots appear, a small rash is visible on the skin. The most likely cause is damage from lice, lice or fleas.
  • Ear mite. Symptom: brown plaque in the ear. If you do not contact a veterinarian in time, the presence of the parasite will cause an inflammatory process, and then the occurrence of eczema. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and rinses.
  • Allergy. Often associated with non-compliance with diet, less often flea bites. Symptoms: the cat scratches nervously, blisters and eczema appear on the body. Treatment consists of eliminating the allergen and supportive therapy.
  • Symptoms of intestinal and stomach diseases: refusal to eat, vomiting, diarrhea, sudden loss of body weight, mucus or blood in the stool. The cause may be infectious (parasites, virus, bacteria) or non-infectious (intestinal obstruction, tumor in the stomach or intestines). Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian depending on test results.
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