What to name a cat? the best options for names and nicknames, a list from A to Z.

When an animal appears in the house, a logical question arises - what to call the fluffy beauty. Names for cats, as experts advise, should be given quickly so that the pet has time to get used to it.

Previously, people cared little about what to name a cat. We chose from the standard options: Murka, Musya, Busya, Snezhok, Vaska, Ryska, Ryzhaya and the like. Now a lot of beautiful and original nicknames have appeared. Pets are called by non-standard names of writers and cartoon characters, nicknames from the English language without translation into Russian. In total, there are more than a thousand options, among which you can choose the best one depending on the breed, color, and character of the new family member.

How to choose a name for a girl kitten

Choosing names for girls' cats is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Dozens of characteristics are taken into account, among which special attention should be paid to:

  • Pet's appearance. Nicknames for girls' cats are chosen depending on external characteristics. Thus, attention is paid to the color of the coat and the beautiful color of the eyes, the length and width of the paws, unusual ears or a fluffy tail. If there is a non-standard detail in appearance, then this may be the reason for choosing a specific name.
  • Pet character. The cat's character is another reason to choose a certain nickname. Some animals are active and cheerful. They get used to the house literally from the first day and consider people their new family. Others are calm and peaceful. You have to work hard to earn their trust. Still others even get used to their new home for several weeks, or even months, demonstrating their independent or fearful character.
  • Peculiarities. There are no two cats alike in the world. Each of them has its own inner world. One likes to chase insects, the other likes to eat indoor flowers. It is worth following the habits of a new animal in the house. It is likely that it is precisely such nuances that will serve as the reason for choosing the name.
  • Breed. The name is also selected depending on the breed. It would be strange to call an animal of royal blood, with a pedigree, intended for participation in exhibitions, with a simple nickname. Or, on the contrary, it will seem pretentious if you call a cat of ordinary blood, a yard cat, a noble and very long name.

Do not forget that it is not only the owner who will communicate with the animal. Perhaps some nickname seems funny or cool, it causes laughter in a friendly atmosphere. But you will have to take the animal to the veterinarian, get a passport for it, and the like. You need to think about whether a non-standard nickname will characterize the owner as a frivolous person.

How to accustom a kitten to its name

When a nickname for a girl’s favorite cat is chosen, this is just the beginning. Now you need to accustom your little pet to the sound so that it begins to respond and associate the name with itself.

Sometimes this is not so easy to do. Here we need to recall the works of the famous Soviet scientist Pavlov, who recommended the use of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. Training is carried out precisely following his theory.

First you should say the chosen name. Then there is a reward (in the form of a treat). Consolidation - also pronounce sounds. Then the animal's brain will begin to associate the name with praise. The kitten will become affectionate and loving. Consolidation occurs at the level of an unconditioned reflex.

It is worth understanding that getting used to a name is not an easy task. Some cats begin to respond within a couple of times. Others are headstrong and don’t want to get used to it. But do not panic if the animal does not pay attention to sounds for several weeks. It is possible that the nickname itself was chosen incorrectly.

Experts recommend choosing names that have hissing sounds. These are similar to the “native” voice of cats, so they become established faster. There is no need to use a title that is too long. Even if the full name consists of three or four syllables, it is better to break it down into small, cool or cute nicknames. Later, with age, you can gradually accustom yourself to the full name and consolidate this using the above-described formation of a conditioned reflex on the basis of an unconditional one.

Nicknames after mythological characters

If the owners or their children are interested in ancient mythology, is this not a reason to name a cat after one of the mythological characters from different nations of the world? Such a name will be at the same time funny, meaningful, and very unusual.

Mythological girls:

  • Abad;
  • Peluda;
  • Kanima;
  • Vargs;
  • Ikuchi;
  • Berunda;
  • Lulu;
  • Sirin;
  • Echidna;
  • Manman;
  • Tulpa;
  • Umasika;
  • Kaji;
  • Zhigina;
  • Abizu;
  • Naginya;
  • Puggy;
  • Hainu;
  • Ondina;
  • Jarvie;
  • Xianli;
  • Remora;
  • Uto;
  • Zabala;
  • Nosy;
  • Tel;
  • Leiyin;
  • Mermaid;
  • Ferrat;
  • Mesha;
  • Tsurara;
  • Ekkima;
  • Grai;
  • Vasa;
  • Yachichna;
  • Devil;
  • Bichura;
  • Shishi;
  • Fancy;
  • Hati.

Mythological boys:

  • Vetalas;
  • Tamdin;
  • Lutens;
  • Khmarnik;
  • Uvan;
  • Pichan;
  • Caladrius;
  • Fidgel;
  • Yamabiko;
  • Erkilek;
  • Sankot;
  • Chemosit;
  • Alagon;
  • Centaurus;
  • Shed;
  • Marsok;
  • Ofois;
  • Palis;
  • Hodag;
  • Snark;
  • Reputation;
  • Bochi;
  • Uruizg;
  • Gillo;
  • Feito;
  • Kasyan;
  • Nasnas;
  • Mehit;
  • Tarnek;
  • Rypach;
  • Goblin;
  • Dunpier;
  • Zilant;
  • Incubus;
  • Yeshap;
  • Zhytsen;
  • Nisag;
  • Aydagar;
  • Wezham;
  • Boranets.

Dear Ferra.

List of names and nicknames

Popular cat names come in a variety of options. Among them you can find cool nicknames, in the British style, foreign, American, Egyptian, short and long.

Cool nicknames for cats

Cool nicknames will demonstrate the original character of the pet and the unconventional thinking of its owner. If you are tired of the standard Murki and Busi , then you can take a chance and name the animal in an original way. Cool nicknames are often based on funny and amusing nicknames that for some reason have become associated with a cat. For example, if she is incredibly cute, then Mimishka . If he likes sausages, then Sausage . There are other options:

  • Saucepan, Bun, Bun, Raisin, Strawberry, Dragonfly, Hitrulya, Sour Cream, Mommy, Cake, Marshmallow, Waffle, Kittycat, Icicle, Kokotoshka, Monkey, Mulka, Mouse, Peppercorn, Agusha, Banditka, Fidget, Bullet, Puffy, Tattoo, Cutie, Pepsi, Meatball, Waffle.

Unusual names for cats

Nicknames for girls' pet cats are often chosen non-standard. If the owner is crazy about traveling, he cannot imagine life without travel, then you can call the cat the name of your favorite country or geographical feature.

Cool cat names in this case will be: Angola, Sata, Lima, Guyana, Ghana, Manila, Tirana, Atlanta, Valletta, Parisa, Bela, Zambi, Calgary, Dili, Kenya, Larisa, Salta, Malta, Samoa, Chile, Ottawa . There are no limits to the outburst of the owner's creative nature. You can experiment and name your pet a little differently by changing a few letters in the name of your favorite country or city that made a lasting impression.

There are other cool options. So, if the owner is a dreamer, you can call it after the name of an elf from a flattering people, for example, Ara, Brin, Val . The nicknames given to pets like Greek goddesses sound beautiful. These are Athena, Xiong, Diana, Aphrodite, Bast, Hebe, Vesta, Juno, Demeter, Victoria, Aurora, Eos.

Popular cat names

Popular female names for cats can also be beautiful and original. They are usually guided by a number of criteria. Including coloring, eye color. So, popular options can be divided into several categories:

  • Traditional names. These are Marquise, Murka, Mura and the like.
  • Based on the pet's character. Nimble, bandit, Princess, Shy, Lady.
  • Based on the non-standard way of thinking of the animal. Night, Apricot, Red, Amber.
  • According to the names of brands or gadgets. Chanel, Co Co, Aurora, Toyota, Nokia, Prada.
  • By the names of your favorite idols, artists, musicians, music groups. Bonnie, Masyanya. Madonna, Nirvana, Buffy, Scarlet. But you should go overboard, because the option may be funny, which is unreasonable in the future.
  • Based on the animal's resemblance to predators. Simka, Lynx, Tiger, Bagheera .
  • A nickname that reflects the owner's hobbies. Cassiopeia, Eurydite, Marie Curie, Pasta, Chania, Wild.
  • By animal breed. Perseus, Siamese.
  • According to the cat's addiction to certain foods. Sausage, Toffee, Sausage, Condensed milk. Sour cream.

Nicknames based on abbreviations or, conversely, expansions of standard names are also popular. If you don’t want to call your pet a classic Murka , but a family with traditional views is against a complex and pretentious name, then you can call it Murlyka, Murchen, Murlyasha, Muranya, Murmyshka, Myavochka, Myafka.

If you take into account all the popular options, you can put them together in a list. The most famous are:

  • Musya; Asya; Zhuzha; Bagheera; Murka; Sima; Masya; Bonya; Tasha; Nyusha; Bead; Simka; Manyunya; Jesy; Anfisa; Eve; Basya; Aurora; Haze; Kessa; Klepa; Caramel; Matilda; Masyanya; Kitty; Athena; Jesse; Adele; Persa; Lucky; Martha; Manya; Snowball; Mouse; Margo; Margosha; Lexi; Fenya; Shakira; Baginra; Brand; Agnes; Lussy; Quiet.

Popular nicknames usually have up to 2 or three syllables. This is necessary so that the animal begins to quickly respond to naming. Complex constructions are beautiful and extraordinary, but will be difficult to learn.

Beautiful cat names

It doesn’t matter whether the kitten is white, grey, tri-colored or black in the house, you can find an interesting option for it. The modern sound will be pleasant to the ear. There are different variations that allow you to take into account the color and character of the animal. They call their pets beautiful names:

  • Ariel, Anabel, Hermione, Bagheera, Albina, Angelina, Valencia, Dominica, Pandora, Nefertiti, Persia, Persiona, Celeste, Eureka and others.

Egyptian names for cats

In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as deities. They erected statues, worshiped them, and believed that the animal’s dislike could cause illness and the evil eye on the entire family. Therefore, they treated it with great trepidation. It’s not for nothing that Egyptian names for ancient cats sound so beautiful. They also have a magical meaning that will emphasize the magical nature of the modern animal. Egyptian names for cats:

  • Aikhi is the patroness of music and musical natures;
  • Anti – desert cat;
  • Astarte is the patroness of love and relationships;
  • Anat is the goddess responsible for hunting and passion;
  • Isis – patroness, divine nature, queen;
  • Maat – goddess of justice and retribution;
  • Neith – sea water;
  • Nefertiti - the noble chosen one of the pharaohs;
  • Tefnut is the mistress of the whole world;
  • Upes – goddess of fire and flame;
  • Shu is the air element;
  • Erbie is a little princess.

When choosing, you should rely on the character of the pet in order to further convey its nature with the Egyptian nickname. If a cat loves to sing and constantly invites her to play with her playful voice, then it is optimal to name her as the goddess of music of Egypt - Aikhi . For active and playful pets who cannot sit still, Anat .

Russian names for cats

Popular names for cats often come from the Slavic language. It’s worth taking a closer look at the heroes of Russian cartoons, books and films. There are options there that sound no worse than English, Egyptian or American ones. Russian nicknames for domestic cats are convenient. They are characterized by a light sound and the presence of a small number of syllables. The Russian version is easy to pronounce, so the name can be called universal.

It's worth taking a closer look at: Ada, Agatha, Anfisa, Harp, Birch, Spring, Vlasta, Pear, Glasha, Hera, Dubrava, Dusya, melon, Christmas tree, Krasa, Doll, Kopeiska, Lana, Lisa, Malvina, Masya, Marfa, Nora, Neva, Pelageya, Tasha, Bun, Plum, Ustina, Ulya, Radish, Rybka, Svechka, Slava, Autumn, Polina, Raya and others.

List of short names

Cats love simple names, because they find it easier to respond to them. Such nicknames often contain hissing sounds, because they are similar to the speech of the cat family. Options: Asya, Aga, Ada, Aya, Bonya, Yuusya, Barsa, Basie, Berta, Varya, Viki, Vida, Vesya, Vista, Vela, Hera, Gretta, Gerda, Gala, Jesy, Dusi, Darcy, Dana, Delhi, Eva, Ema, Zhuzha, Zhadi, Zosya, Zaya, Zora, Isya, Spark, Kaira, Kitty, Kesi, Kisa, Coco, Lasa, Lyusya, Lara, Liya, Musya, Margot, Miya, Mika, Aya, Miu, Nora, Nosya, Nuri, Nati, Audrey, Osi, Ofa, Pusha, Puma, Rosya, Ricky, Rose, Lynx, Rose, Cindy. Simba, Tora, Tia, Tasha, Tasya, Tati, Uli, Uka, Vosya, Urosya, Fifi, Kholya, Klaya, Tsisi, Tseza, Chunya. Chara, Shosha, Shoa, Shunya, Sherry, Alice, Emba, Emii, Ella, Eva, Yusta, Yuma, Yasya, Yana, Yasha.

Rare and beautiful

Rare and beautiful are suitable for noble and beautiful pets. It is worth agreeing that calling an ordinary pet, a “yard” breed, with an elaborate and extraordinary name would not be the most reasonable step. A rare color or breed will be the reason for your choice. Unusual options: Agafia, Allegria, Dulcinea, Caramel, Angelica, Nasturtium, Dampada, Sylphide, Fazela, Falballa, Chlorella, Junta, Hellas, Enigma and others.

Funny names

Usually this is not only a short syllable, for example, El, Hey, Kis , but also various funny variations that convey the characteristic features of the pet and show its non-standard side. These include:

Mimishka, Sausage, Cutlet, Bun, Bun, Zozulka, Saucepan, Raisin, Dragonfly, Sour cream, Strawberry, Fool, Mommy, Hitrulka, Dulka, Marshmallow. Gasoline, Front sight, Rumble. There are no limits to your imagination, but you should think in advance before calling your pet a funny name, because you may have to give it away or take it to an exhibition. Such a “move” by the animal owner may not be appreciated.

List of names by color

Original names are given to animals based on their color. For example, the unusual color black may lead to the choice of appropriate nicknames. For example, the best names for black cats will be associated with darkness, with evil characters from books, simply by color in English. The cute gray or white color will encourage you to call it Serka, White or Cloudy . A popular list of names for cats based on fur color is below.

For blacks

What to name a domestic black cat is a simple question. Names for black cats are numerous, and you can find nicknames for beautiful black cats depending on its character and characteristics.

The black animal is a symbol of the inexplicable, mysterious and supernatural. The appearance of such a pet will not only brighten up the gray days. It is believed that dark-colored cats have great energy and magical powers. They can relieve headaches, eliminate chronic diseases and give peace of mind. Therefore, the name for a black cat must be chosen with special care. After all, the pet Bagheera may be offended by an inappropriate nickname.

Several dozen variations have been invented for a black cat. The black color gives a limitless field for the owner’s imagination, because it can be associated with all cats of this color, with color, natural phenomena, characters from books and films.

The most popular: Mystic, Mystic, Noria, Mascara, Tun, Jeta, Black, Nora, Caviar, Eva, Panther, Bariga, Cola, Berry, Mocha. If you want something mystical, then you can take a closer look at the options from esotericism and choose the name of their list of ancient dark forces.

For the gray ones

Affectionate gray animals usually display unprecedented miracles of ingenuity. They have an even temperament; it is not acceptable for a gray cat to show aggression. The most popular names for gray cats are associated not only with color, but also with grace, tranquility, outer space, and elegance.

A purebred gray cat will bring a calming atmosphere to your home and also has healing properties. Suitable names: Gretta, Gracie, Gray, Sera, Jilla, Junna, Charlene, Charlize, Lucy, Lucien, Krista, Star, Murashka, Kalya, Tisha, Caramel, Fairy, Sheela, Chinchilla.

For whites

The names and nicknames of white cats are designed to show the gracefulness, naivety and tenderness of the pet. Choose the most affectionate name possible; cute names should be “in the spirit” of the cat. You don’t have to use your own imagination, but name the white cat simply by taking a name from the list:

  • Snow White, Ice Cream, Snezhana, Snezka, Ice, Iris, Pearl, Winter, Zimushka, Britney, Barbie, Madonna, Cloud, Aspie, Aspirin, Bailey, Bondi, Bianca, Clouds, Kristel, Fleur, Icy, Latte, Lucy, Lucien , Clounds, Duna, Milky, Paloma, Dove, Salty, Sanii, Winter.

There are a lot of nicknames for a white cat in English or French. If nothing is found in Russian, then you can select a word and view its sound through a translator.

For redheads

Names for red-colored girls' cats are chosen to match their character. Usually saffron milk caps delight with their salty temperament. They always warm their owners with love, and are not averse to showing the mischief of their nature and playing pranks. At the same time, red pets are funny, they have no bad emotions, their condition is stable and peaceful.

A ginger cat should be given a name that matches its nature. The sunny pet will grow up, but its character will remain the same peaceful and mischievous. Among the cheerful nicknames they choose:

  • Judia, Sayn, Sai, Siya, Tangerine, Ruzhulya, Ryzhulya, Ginger, Yula, Fox, Chanterelle, Kashtanka, Ocher, Sun, Carrot, Beam, Lingonberry, Bee, Freckle, Spring, Wasp.

Spotted tabby and tricolor

Beautiful cat names are chosen for tricolor pets. It is believed that such an animal will bring not only a good mood to its inhabitants, but also wealth and prosperity. How to name a tricolor cat is not such a simple question, because you need to take into account not only the color, but also the disposition, and it is different for each cat.

Cat names for calico cats are beautiful and original. The girl is given an appropriate name, which will enhance the magical effect. Choose:

  • Happy – translated from English as happiness, happy;
  • Lucky - luck translated from foreign;
  • Felicitta - from Italian “happiness”;
  • Gluck is also “happiness” from German;
  • Alaya – from Basque “happy”;
  • Letitia - from the ancient Greek “joy”;
  • Laima – from Latvian “lucky”;
  • Priti - from Sanskrit “joyful”;
  • Simcha – from Hebrew “lucky one”.

The tricolor striped whale will bring happiness and harmony to homes and help accumulate wealth.

Fairytale nicknames

If a furry little ball has appeared in your house, why not name it after one of your favorite heroes from good old fairy tales? Of course, you can turn to foreign literature, but we suggest considering Russian options.

Fairytale girls:

  • Vasilisa;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Yaga;
  • Firebird;
  • Lisa Patrikeevna;
  • Nesmeyana;
  • Maria;
  • Alyonushka;
  • Princess;
  • Stepdaughter;
  • Kupava.

Fairytale boys:

  • Kolobok;
  • Goblin;
  • Sadko;
  • Kozhemyaka;
  • Popovich;
  • Lel;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Gorynych;
  • Ivanushka;
  • Kashchei;
  • Tugarin.

Evil Kashchei.

Beautiful names for cats in alphabetical order

If the owner still hasn’t found an option to name the girl, hasn’t chosen a beautiful nickname based on her character, breed, or color, then he can simply choose from the list. Names are presented alphabetically to make searching easier.

AAsya, Anfisa, Alice, Aurora, Arabica, Adriana, Azura, Agasha, Amika, Athena, Adriana, Almira, Anabella, Aiza, Agatha, Alefa, Alexa, Amurka, Alicia, Astoria
BBagheera, Busya, Buska, Bella, Barya, Basya, Bonya, Snow White, Bohemia, Beatrice, Basilica, Barcelona, ​​Bentley, Betty
INVasilisa, Vanessa, Varya, Valencia, Vorsinka, Virinia, Vasta, Vega, Vilya, Weiler, Mitten, Vanilla, Valli, Vilda
GGerda, Count, Gaia, Gulchia, Gulya, Gabri, Gaitana, Nut, Gabii, Gloria, Hermione, Gretta, Glafira Gray, Grafia, Grace
DJessica, Jessie, Dolores, Dryad, Melon, Dixie, Daria, Dushka, Jemia, Darina, Julie, Juliet, Jenny, Jess, Jixie
EYesenia, Eva, Efrosinia, Enii, Emmy, Elis
ANDZhuzha, Giselle, Zhuchka, Josette, Julia, Jeanette, Juliana, Julia
ZZosya, Goldilocks, Star, Bunny, Fun, Zlata, Zarina, Zena, Zorka, Zola
ANDIrisa, Irie, Isabel, Easy, Willow, Indiana, Infinity, Ingrid, Illada
TOCaramel, Cassandra, Carnelia, Comet, Kertir, Kerry, Candy, Karish, Ketty
LLussi, Linda, Lisa, Lilya, Latifa, Lizaveta, Lilu, Linda, Lola
MMurka, Marusya, Mickey, Mulya, Megii, Malibu, Molly, Margot, Milana, Marquise
NNbsha, Novella, Neilin, Norma, Knox, Nikki, Nadine, Naomi, Navi, Nefertiti
ABOUTOphelia, Olivia, Osya, Olympia, Ornette, Oklahoma, Odyssey, Ode, Mistletoe, Octavia, Audrey
PPusya, Pandora, Fluffy, Persia, Pamela, Patrissa, Puga, Punya, Puffy, Foam
RLynx, Roxy, Rada, Riley, Rebecca, Rossi, Riana, Rachel, Rummi, Romi, Rufi
WITHSimone, Sophie, Sarah, Sonya, Simka, Semii, Seraphim, Selena, Stacy, Sonya, Salia, Sayuri
TTisha, Taisa, Timmy, Tusya, Tina, Trisha, Taffini, Toska, Toki, Tia, Tobby
UUli, Ulka, Umka, Uma, Ulma, Walii
FFena, Fairy, Frosya, Chip, Felicita Feofora, Fiesta
XHolly, Hannah, Chloe
CCyana, Queen, Cessa
HChelsea, Chica, Chara, Cherry
ShChanel, School, Sherry, Shiva
EEmma, ​​Alice, Elsa, Ava
YUYusya, Yuta, Yusha, Justina
IYasya, Yalta, Yassi, Java, Yakira
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