Sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis in cats: causes, treatment, prevention

Itchy cat scabies

  • Fact 1:
    An insect called the itch mite and has a very small size (0.2-0.4 mm)
  • Fact 2:
    The disease is transmitted, as a rule, through contact of a pet with street brethren
  • Fact 3:
    At first, an infected animal does not show any symptoms of the disease.
  • Fact 4:
    Although it is difficult to protect your pet from being affected by the itch mite, it is still quite possible.

When walking outdoors, it is impossible to protect your pets with a 100% guarantee from the ubiquitous insects. And although ticks most often infect dogs, cats are also at risk. A tick-borne disease is called sarcoptic mange. The disease is very unpleasant, causing not only physical suffering to the pet, but also significantly affecting the appearance of the pet.

Description of the disease

The causative agents of sarcoptic mange (or scabies) are microscopic mites that parasitize animals . Their body length is 0.15-0.4 mm.
They feed on the epidermis. With a thin proboscis, the parasites gnaw holes and dig numerous passages in the stratum corneum of the skin, causing pain in the cat. Ticks exist outside the host's body for no more than one and a half months. Once on the skin, they begin to rapidly multiply, laying dozens of larvae. After 2-3 weeks, the larvae turn into adults.

The main danger of the pathology lies in the intensive reproduction of ticks. If you notice signs of sarcoptic mange in your pet, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Itchy scabies most often affects dogs. This disease is rare in cats.

Subcutaneous mites in cats

Demodicosis is a disease of cats caused by opportunistic parasites Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi. According to statistics, every third pet is a carrier of the parasite. A cat can only catch an infection from another cat. The disease is not transmitted between species, for example, in dogs there is another pathogen - Demodex canis.

When the pet is healthy, the immune system inhibits population growth. Ticks can become active when your pet is sick. Demodectic mange does not take on a pronounced form immediately. The sooner the owner notices the symptoms and consults a doctor, the higher the chances of healing. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic and the animal will not be able to be cured.

Signs of demodicosis in cats:

  • peeling of the skin, appearance of purulent lesions;
  • redness at the site of the lesion;
  • unjustified shedding, hair loss in clumps;
  • peeling near the eyes;
  • severe itching, sores;
  • decreased appetite;
  • apathy;
  • malfunctions of internal organs (advanced form).

For treatment, Stronghold (USA) or Selafort (Slovenia) drops, which contain selamectin, are prescribed. It causes paralysis and death of pests. Advocate drops (Germany) give a good effect.


Often, sarcoptic mange in cats develops after direct contact with a sick animal, as well as through care items. The owner can also become a carrier of female parasites on clothing or hands. Possible sources of infection include:

  • pet stores;
  • grooming salons;
  • nurseries;
  • veterinary hospitals;
  • Exhibitions;
  • stray or domestic animals.

The disease can persist in a cat for several years, periodically exacerbating. Much depends on the immunity and strength of the animal’s body. Rarely, mites provoke itching and the formation of papular rashes in humans. But since adult individuals cannot reproduce on human skin, the infectious process goes away on its own, without causing complications and without requiring special treatment.

Features of the course of the disease in humans

Ticks of the genus Sarcoptes cannot reproduce in the human epidermis. Parasites do not penetrate the skin, biting only the surface of the epidermis. However, their waste products and saliva can cause allergic reactions; bites are accompanied by severe itching and the appearance of blisters, crusts and spots on the skin.

To speed up recovery, you should simply regularly wash the affected areas with soap and treat the sick animal.

It is also necessary to treat the room in which a cat with sarcoptic mange lives. It is enough to thoroughly vacuum the pet’s place of residence, and also expose its bedding, pillows, clothes and bedspreads to direct sunlight. If the temperature outside is below freezing, the tick will die within a few hours.


Sarcoptic mange in cats has the main symptom – constant, painful itching. An infected animal scratches its skin to the point of wounds, becomes nervous and restless, rolls on its back, and twitches. Additional clinical signs include:

  • crusty blisters in the nose and ears. The first papules form 10 days after infection. They burst, leaving behind ulcers that itch and hurt unbearably. The animal scratches them, infecting healthy areas of the body;
  • severe peeling of the skin;
  • the presence of areas of baldness.

The intensity of the itching does not depend on the number of mites. Even in small populations, parasites can cause an acute allergic reaction in a cat. If at the beginning sarcoptic mange affects the head, then later the disease spreads to the neck, chest, and torso. In advanced cases and with extensive damage:

  • the cat loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, its body is exhausted;
  • the crusts covering the papules become rough and keratinized and acquire a gray color;
  • purulent infection is observed, accompanied by severe pyoderma;
  • Deep scratching is accompanied by secondary infections;
  • the natural functions of the skin are lost, which leads to irreversible consequences and damage to the nervous system;
  • cachexia develops, ending in the death of the animal.

What is sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptic mange (itching scabies) is a disease caused by itch mites belonging to the genus Sarcoptes.

A quick glance is enough to understand that an animal is affected by a tick mite. Even a person who has nothing to do with veterinary medicine, looking at a sick pet, can easily guess that it was attacked by ticks. The spectacle is truly memorable - like an episode from a horror film, which you only need to watch once and you will remember it for the rest of your life.

At the very beginning of the disease, the itch mite affects the muzzle, forehead and wings of the nose, but quickly spreads throughout the body. The parasites that have settled in the thickness of the epidermis become a source of severe itching, which torments the cat day and night, not giving a moment of rest. The unfortunate animal practically does not sleep, loses its appetite, and suffers from physical and nervous exhaustion.

The appearance of sick animals also undergoes significant changes: the body becomes covered with extensive bald patches, and scabs and scabs form in place of numerous scratches. When they fall off, ulcers and erosions become noticeable on the exposed areas of skin.

Due to constant trauma to the skin, the animal’s already exhausted body becomes especially susceptible to various types of infections. Fungi and bacteria, encountering no resistance, attack the sufferer and, if immediate help is not provided, he will soon die.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

The main symptoms of pruritic scabies are similar to the manifestations of purulent dermatitis, devoid of allergic origin, bites of blood-sucking parasites. Therefore, to diagnose sarcoptic mange in cats and prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to scrape the skin. To detect ticks:

  • scrapings are collected from areas covered with papules;
  • the doctor uses a blunt scalpel blade to scrape off the crust from the papular formation until blood appears;
  • the scraped material is transferred to glass for analysis;
  • the sample may contain not only the bodies of adult parasites, but also eggs or waste products of mites.

Only a specialist can diagnose sarcoptic mange and determine a treatment regimen.

Treatment of disease in pets

If a cat or dog is diagnosed with sarcoptic mange, it should be immediately isolated from other pets.

The main method of therapy is treatment of the affected areas with topical antiparasitic drugs. You can use funds from the Apicenna company:

  • Dekta Forte is a solution for external treatment. Quickly relieves itching and pain, destroys adult forms of ticks. Easily applied to affected areas of the skin without leaving any traces. Prevents bacterial contamination of affected areas due to the antibiotic included in the composition.


Treatment of sarcoptic mange in cats requires a lot of time. The problem is that every affected area needs to be treated, without missing a single source of inflammation. One small missed area on the skin is enough for the disease to spread with renewed vigor.

First aid

The infected pet is isolated from other animals. During treatment, it is necessary to provide him with a veterinary diet designed to improve the functioning of the digestive system. First aid for sarcoptic mange is to clean the affected area so that medications can be applied. The cat's fur is cut or shaved, and the crusts are soaked with shampoo, Perhydrol or Furacilin.

The beginning of therapy should be accompanied by general cleaning of the room with washing of floors and surfaces with specialized products (for example, Neostomozan, Butox-50). After 10 days, cleaning is repeated.

Basic treatment

The main treatment measures are based on:

  • destruction of parasites;
  • eliminating unpleasant symptoms;
  • restoring your cat's health.

Systemic drugs for external use include:

  • Amitrazine. A low-toxic antiparasitic drug, which includes Dimexide and Amitraz. The prepared solution is applied to problem areas of the skin, including healthy parts. The procedure is carried out every three days until the animal recovers completely. Often seven treatments are enough. It is important to prevent licking of the medication for 15 minutes after application until the active substances are absorbed.
  • Ivermek-gel is a complex acaricidal agent that destroys ticks. Contains ivermectin, dexpanthenol and lidocaine. Thanks to the gel base, the active components quickly penetrate the affected areas. Dexpanthenol promotes skin healing, lidocaine relieves irritation and itching, and ivermectin destroys parasites. To eliminate sarcoptic mange in cats, 5-7 treatments are sufficient.
  • Aversectin ointment with wide spectrum of action. Includes the insecto-acaricidal substance aversectin, which destroys parasites. Apply to damaged areas of the skin 3 times a day with a break of 5 days.
  • Ointment Sulfuric. Includes antibacterial and antifungal substances that accelerate the treatment of pruritic scabies. The product is inexpensive. It is applied to the skin daily until complete recovery.

To combat sarcoptic mange from the inside, use a 1% Ivomeca solution by injection. The injections are painful and not safe. They are done subcutaneously twice a day with a break of five days. Prescribed only in extreme cases.

Additionally, veterinarians recommend using drops on the withers, which destroy fleas, lice, helminths, lice and ticks. After application to dry, intact skin, the active substances are absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which allows the therapeutic effect to be maintained for a month. The following methods are popular:

  • Advocate;
  • Helmintal K;
  • Stronghold;
  • Dironet and Dironet spot-on for kittens.

If the disease is in an advanced stage and is complicated by the addition of secondary infections, use:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • antifungal medications;
  • immunostimulants (feed sulfur, fatty acids, vitamin and mineral supplements).

The dosage of drugs is calculated depending on the weight of the cat. To prevent the pet from licking the medicine, an Elizabethan collar is put on it.

Features of kitten therapy

Treatment of sarcoptic mange in kittens is almost no different from the treatment of adult animals. You just need to know which drugs can be used and which cannot.

When treating sarcoptic mange in kittens, be doubly careful about the dosage. In addition, you must follow all the precautions described in the instructions, and be sure to show the kitten to a veterinarian first. If this is not possible, try to at least ask in absentia whether this or that drug can be used or not.


The following recommendations will help prevent your cat from becoming infected with sarcoptic mange:

  • exclude contact of the animal with possible carriers of infection (for example, stray dogs or cats);
  • regularly apply drops against external parasites (Frontline, Stronghold) to the cat’s withers;
  • periodically treat the room and all objects that the animal comes into contact with (bedding, house, toys) with a 3% creolin solution or other disinfectant;
  • Provide your pet with adequate nutrition and quality care.

If an animal has suffered from scabies, all things with which it has been in contact must be dried in the sun and treated with antiparasitic agents.

Sarcoptic mange is a rather dangerous and unpleasant disease in animals. But if you contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, it can be easily treated and is not life-threatening.

Ticks on dogs

In spring, ixodid ticks, living in forests, parks, and grass, become more active. They dig into the dog, find a convenient place, pierce the skin and begin to feed. With saliva, pathogens of such deadly pathologies as piroplasmosis or Lyme disease can enter the bloodstream.

Scabies mites in dogs are also not uncommon. Pets are often affected by the ear parasite, Demodex canis. To prevent this from happening, veterinarians advise using acaricidal agents - tablets, drops, solutions - for prevention.

Anti-tick tablets for dogs

Tablets are considered the most reliable protection against ticks. Important: they do not guarantee that the parasite will not grab onto the dog, but it will die quickly, without having time to infect and lay eggs. The length of the coat does not affect the effect of the tablets.

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of pills. They definitely contain substances that negatively affect the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for processing toxins and removing them out. However, the tablets are recommended for use when there is a high risk of contracting an infection (the dog often goes outdoors, lives in the village).

The following anti-tick tablets received good reviews:

  • Bravecto (USA) – protects for 3 months, pests die 4 hours after taking the medicine.
  • Simparica (USA) - parasites die out 12 hours after being absorbed into the blood. The drug is effective for 5 weeks.
  • Nexgard (France) – begins to act after 30 minutes. after administration, 4 hours later the pests completely die. The tablet is valid for a month.

Important: anti-tick tablets for dogs should not be given to other animals.

Anti-tick drops for dogs

The drops do not harm the liver and kidneys, so they are recommended for weak, sick dogs. The medicine seeps into the skin and is distributed throughout the subcutaneous fat without entering the bloodstream. Most medications protect your pet for 3-4 weeks. The owner must remember this and treat the dog regularly. Important: after the procedure, the pet cannot be bathed for 2-3 days, otherwise the solution will be washed off.

The most effective drops are:

  • Advantix (Germany) – protects against ixodid ticks for a month.
  • Bravecto Spot-On (USA) – kills itch and ixodid ticks. The effect lasts 3 months.
  • Frontline Spot-On (France) – protects against ixodid ticks and ear scabies for 1.5 months. Drops help with otodectosis.

How is otodectosis treated?

For ear scabies, the pet is prescribed medications with amitraz (Amitrazin, Tsipam), hexachlorane (Aurikan), as well as acaricides and insecticides (Neostomozan, Surolan, Ectodes, Aurikan, Dana). First, the surface of the auricle is cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic. Then the liquid medicine is instilled. After this, the base of the ear is gently massaged so that the medicine is evenly distributed over the surface. For hygienic sanitation before treatment, you can use lotions and solutions:

  • Otifri
  • Otoklin
  • Fitolar
  • Furacilin
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Potassium permangantsovka
  • Chlorhexidine

When treating scabies in cats, the medicine is instilled into both ears, regardless of the lesion.

How to get rid of scabies mites?

The first stage of treatment is removing parasites from the pet’s skin. Veterinarians can prescribe various topical medications. A simple sulfur ointment has a good disinfecting effect. The use of Stomazan and Butox solutions is also allowed. When carrying out treatment, it is important to fully follow the specialist’s recommendations. A missed day can lead to a deterioration in the pet's general condition. The number of parasites will increase, intensifying the itchy scabies.

The disease in cats is treated with several antiparasitic drugs: • “Baymek” • “Amirtrazine” • “Novomek”

To treat sarcoptic mange and otodectosis, a veterinarian may prescribe Stronghold drops, an antiparasitic medicine for external use. Ivermectin has a strong effect in treatment. It contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which causes paralysis in parasites. Veterinarians do not recommend using it to treat small kittens.

The second stage is strengthening the pet’s immune system; a course of vitamins is prescribed. When the body is strong enough, the healing process will noticeably accelerate. With weak immunity, the disease can manifest itself again.

How does the disease manifest?

The development of the disease begins with the appearance of lesions on the cat’s head and ears. Gradually, the parasites manifest themselves in other parts of the body. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: 1. Constant itching. Parasites constantly move inside the skin, drink blood and gnaw out new passages. The cat often itches and licks the wounds that appear. 2. The cat's behavior changes, it becomes restless, may refuse to eat and constantly scratches its skin. 3. The appearance of bald patches. First of all, hair falls out on the ears and face, then on the neck and the rest of the body. Over time, the balding areas increase in size and the remaining hair becomes dull and thin. 4. Redness, scratches and abscesses appear on the skin. Rashes form in the form of nodules; over time, they begin to fester and become covered with a dense crust. 5. In places where parasites accumulate, elastic tubercles with pronounced redness appear. If mites accumulate in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, their enlargement is observed.

Distinct symptoms appear on the 6-7th day of development of the pathological process. In the absence of proper and timely treatment, the risk of various infections is high. Advanced scabies affects most of the cat’s body, allowing pathogenic bacteria to easily enter the body.

What are the possible consequences of scabies?

Areas affected by subcutaneous mites cause unbearable irritation in the cat. She combs the areas that bother her. Wounds and scratches are open gates for viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammation. In severe situations, the outbreak festeres. In the absence of timely treatment of scabies and secondary infection, the cat may develop general sepsis.

Ticks, which lead an active lifestyle in the layers of the skin, secrete toxins. Toxic substances enter the blood and cause disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, heart, and lungs. With cat scabies, oxygen starvation is possible at the cellular level, which occurs due to metabolic disorders under the influence of harmful compounds.

Recommendations for prevention and treatment

An animal infected with scabies should be isolated from other pets and family members. Cat household items should be thrown away or taken out into the cold. Sub-zero temperatures kill parasites quite quickly. Personal items should be ironed with a hot iron and the room should be well ventilated. All accessible surfaces are disinfected to get rid of parasites. Such actions will help protect your pet from secondary infection with parasites. It is best to treat a sick cat while wearing medical gloves. After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. During the treatment process, a person no longer runs the risk of becoming infected; ticks die instantly from topical preparations. For prevention purposes, pets are protected from contact with stray animals. Prevention from ticks and other parasites is carried out periodically. For these purposes, antiparasitic agents based on selamectin are used. It is contained in Stronghold drops; for prevention, the product is applied to the withers once a month. The drops are absorbed into the skin, providing a protective effect against various parasites. It is important to note that using ointments as prescribed by a doctor can lead to complete baldness of your pet. There is no need to be afraid of this; after treatment, the hair grows back quickly. It should be noted that young pets with a fragile immune system are susceptible to this disease. A nutritious and balanced diet will help strengthen your cat’s immunity. Scabies is a fairly serious disease. A sick animal looks exhausted, and an advanced stage can lead to its death. The occurrence of primary symptoms is a serious reason to contact a specialist.

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