Sterilization of cats: pros and cons, care after sterilization

Contrary to popular belief, the terms castration and sterilization are in no way related to the sex of the animal and imply various types of surgical interventions aimed at preventing unwanted reproduction of animals. Males and females can be castrated, as well as sterilized: in both cases, they lose the ability to reproduce.

Sterilization (vasectomy) is a surgical operation whose purpose is to create a barrier to the movement of cells involved in conception. In female animals, the fallopian tubes are ligated (this prevents the egg from getting from the ovaries to the uterus), and in cats and male dogs the spermatic cords are ligated, which prevents the release of sperm. During surgery, the genitals are not affected and continue to function as usual. Since hormonal levels are not disrupted, sterilized cats and dogs fully retain all instincts and the ability to mate, but pregnancy does not occur for obvious reasons.

Castration (ovariohysterectomy) – removal of the organs of the reproductive system: the uterus and ovaries (in cats and females) and testicles (in males and males). A variation of this operation is oophorectomy - removal of the ovaries while preserving the uterus. This practice is becoming increasingly rare: due to the high risk of complications and the development of cancer, the uterus is removed along with the ovaries.

Castration or sterilization of a cat, what to choose?

There are 3 options for the operation:

  • The classic method is incision along the linea alba, which is located below the navel. Through a 3 cm incision, the ovaries and uterus can be removed with direct access to the animal's organs. After sterilizing a cat using this method, the seam heals within 10 days; during this period, the cat must be in special clothing - a blanket.
  • Through a side slit. The abdominal cavity is incised to the side of the midline for approximately 1 cm. This type of operation is suitable for tubal ligation, or when it is impossible to perform the operation in the classical way. After sterilization using this method, a cat recovers much faster, and the risk of complications after surgery is reduced.
  • Laparoscopy. With this method, a small puncture in the abdominal wall is sufficient to remove the uterus and ovary. This method requires special equipment, with which the operation is performed and every action of the doctor is recorded in real time. Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is the least traumatic, so the pet’s complete recovery occurs within a few days.

All of the above methods are performed under anesthesia. After anesthesia and sterilization, the cat is under the supervision of a doctor for several hours, after which it is sent home.

What is the fundamental difference between castration and sterilization: conclusions

Based on the above, some conclusions arise about how the procedures differ:

  • castration involves resection of the organs of the reproductive system, and sterilization only involves ligation of the seminal canals and fallopian tubes;
  • castration relieves male cats of hormonal surges, and after sterilization, the functions of the reproductive system are preserved, but the animal is deprived of the ability to reproduce.

Which option you choose is up to you, but be sure to consult your veterinarian before undergoing surgery.

Chemical method of sterilizing cats

This method refers to the use of hormonal drugs to suppress the sexual instinct. These can be tablets or drops. Depending on the composition of the drug, suppression of desire in cats can last from 1 month to six months. In exceptional cases, a veterinarian may prescribe a one-time use of such drugs and will never recommend using them on an ongoing basis. The reason for this is simple: regular use of hormonal drugs in cats can cause digestive, endocrine and neurological disorders, and the worst thing is oncological pathologies.


Based on the above, it can be noted that castration is a more humane procedure for both male and female cats. Despite the absence of offspring, sterilized animals very often experience hormonal internal storms due to the fact that their reproductive system continues to function normally. This does not have the best effect on the animal’s body, since its body at this moment is subject to stress and, as a result, to the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. Such animals very often lose weight for no reason, refuse to eat and behave aggressively towards the owner.

At the same time, castrated cats have a qualitatively higher standard of living and health, and in addition, their life expectancy increases by several years. It is among such animals that long-livers are found. In addition, this largely solves the problem with the behavioral factor, since neutered cats do not scream or mark the owner’s furniture. Castration almost completely eliminates the possibility of getting purulent inflammation, cysts or neoplasms of the genital organs in cats, and the possibility of getting prostatitis in cats. It is worth noting that in adulthood, some animals already need such an operation for medical reasons, so it is best to perform this operation on a cat while it is still healthy and full of vitality and energy.

Pros and cons of sterilizing cats. Why sterilize your cat?

Veterinarians are unanimous in their opinion that sterilization of cats is necessary for all cats, with the exception of breeding individuals. The following facts are strong arguments in favor of the operation:

  1. The cat becomes more flexible and calm.
  2. The life expectancy of the animal increases.
  3. The risk of developing cancer of the reproductive system is reduced.

However, there are also contraindications to the operation. For example, animals with heart pathologies or impaired renal function. In addition, any surgery carries a risk of complications during rehabilitation.

Castration: arguments “FOR”

The advantages of castration of animals not involved in breeding are obvious and undeniable:

  • increasing the duration of active longevity;
  • positive changes in character (flexibility, obedience, lack of aggression);
  • change in sexual behavior: lack of interest in individuals of the opposite sex;
  • eliminating the risk of developing inflammatory and oncological diseases;
  • In females, the incidence of breast cancer is greatly reduced.

Preparing to sterilize a cat

Like any operation, cat sterilization requires preliminary preparation. First of all, you need to know that absolutely healthy cats are allowed to undergo surgery after antiparasitic treatment (at least 14 days before surgery) if they have all the vaccinations required at this age. In addition, the cat needs to do a number of tests:

  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system;
  • ECG.

In some cases, a respiratory examination or x-ray may be required. The operation is performed on an empty stomach; the animal can be given water no later than 3 hours before the operation.

If you decide to get a kitten, do not forget the following

It's no secret that many people simply dote on their little furballs. They give us joy every day. When the kitten starts living in the house, everyone is just happy. However, only six months pass and serious problems begin. Until recently, a kitten was a small and cute creature, but now it has turned into an adult cat who makes noise at night and constantly runs away from the house in search of cats. You can't go against nature! In this case we are talking about instincts. They are the ones who force the animal to mark its territory.

Experienced housewives know how difficult it is to remove cat smell from an apartment or rid shoes of it. It is important to note that a city apartment is not a natural habitat for cats. Mother Nature has something completely different in mind for these animals. Nature requires cats to mate with cats about eight times a year. Hormones are constantly being produced, which have a powerful effect on the behavior of the animal. He marks and defends his territory, makes noise and screams at night - this is absolutely normal for him. The point is that in their natural environment, cats have no barriers to following their instincts. When your cat starts acting this way in your home, your life can become truly uncomfortable. That is why it is important to take all necessary measures in advance - take care of castration of the cat or sterilization of the cat.

Most owners do not want their cats to have offspring regularly, and the cats are away from home for several weeks and leave foul-smelling marks in the apartment. Because of this, tailed pets of both sexes are castrated by removing their gonads. In females these glands are the ovaries, and in males the testes. Since the latter are located outside, male castration is a relatively simple and therefore less expensive operation than male castration. For the same reason, cats recover from it faster. Within a day after castration, your cat will again be able to vigorously jump around the apartment, while the cat will need several days of rest.

Caring for a cat after sterilization

To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian in the first days after sterilization of the cat. The future health of the animal depends on this. If your cat is prescribed antibiotics or other medications, it is important to follow the dosage schedule.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet's nutrition at this time. The first feeding is allowed 8 hours after surgery. The food used is usual for the cat, but the portions need to be slightly reduced. Sometimes after surgery a cat may vomit. Vomiting once is normal; in case of repeated cases, it is better to consult a doctor. A reason to visit a veterinarian is also the cat’s refusal of food and water for more than one day.

After sterilizing cats, the seam must be protected from bacteria; for this it is important to put a blanket on the cat and treat the wound promptly and correctly. Even with a slight deterioration in health, you should contact your veterinarian.

In most cases, with proper care, cats return to their normal, measured life within 10-14 days, forgetting about the operation. Not only doctors’ statistics speak in favor of sterilizing cats, but also reviews from owners.

Castration and urolithiasis

Numerous clinical studies have not revealed a direct relationship between castration and the incidence of urolithiasis. The main risk factor for the development of urolithiasis is excess weight caused by metabolic disorders. If a neutered animal is fed correctly, following the recommended diet, there is virtually no chance of stones forming in the urinary tract. Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores offer a wide range of specialized foods for neutered cats and dogs.

When should surgery not be performed?

Along with recommendations on the timing of the operation, there are also restrictions. Thus, cats are not sterilized:

  1. During heat. During this period, hormonal levels change and surgery can cause a number of diseases. In addition, the animal’s immunity is weakened at this time and the recovery time can increase significantly. It is best to perform the operation 2-3 weeks after the end of estrus.
  2. During pregnancy. During this period, only emergency sterilization is allowed due to the inability to bear kittens or the discovery of a serious illness in the cat.
  3. After lambing. If the cat does not feed the offspring, then sterilization can be carried out a month after birth, otherwise not earlier than 60 days. The exception is for reasons for emergency sterilization.

Sterilization and castration of cats - differences and consequences

How does surgery affect your pet's health?

The results of many studies indicate that the life expectancy of sterilized animals is on average 1.5–2 years longer.
Timely sterilization and castration can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases, such as:

  • Endometritis
  • Pyometra
  • Hydrometer
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Immunodeficiency virus
  • Oncology of reproductive organs
  • Breast cancer in cats
  • Leukemia

How does a pet's character change after sterilization?

After sterilization and castration, animals become more obedient and manageable. They do not try to run away and are less likely to show aggression. All hormonal problems and associated behavior disappear.

Thus, uncastrated cats that are outdoors often get injured during “sexual heat” or in “battles” with rivals. Cats can run away, get lost, or get hit by cars. In addition, unsterilized animals have a high risk of contracting various infectious diseases.

However, after surgery, the risk of encountering these problems becomes significantly lower.

Myths associated with castration and sterilization

Myth No. 1.

We have no right to change what nature intended.

Man has long ago changed the natural course of life of animals, which are now domestic: they do not live on the street, do not get their own food and do not feel the change of seasons. Therefore, it is important to complete “domestication”: that is, to adjust the habitat to suit the pet, and to help the pet feel comfortable in its forced habitat.

At the same time, many owners tend to humanize their pets, attributing to them motives and desires that are primarily characteristic of humans. But in the sexual behavior of animals, instincts play a leading role, not emotions.

You should not think that the cat is sad because she has never had kittens; her desire to reproduce is physiological and disappears with the removal of the gonads.

Myth No. 2.

We give the pills and everything is fine.

Contraceptives can only be a temporary solution. All manufactured drugs are designed to stop estrus, and their long-term use causes serious hormonal changes in the body, which can lead to the development of various diseases.

Contraceptives do not prevent pregnancy, especially when keeping different sexes together.

Myth No. 3

The operation leads to excess weight gain.

The development of obesity is often associated with castration and sterilization. Indeed, against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones after castration and sterilization, the animal’s physical activity decreases and the feeling of hunger increases. However, excess weight after surgery is almost always the result of overfeeding.

If you take care in time to change your usual food to a special diet, designed taking into account all the characteristics and needs of castrated, sterilized animals, health problems can easily be avoided.

Myth No. 4

Neutered cats develop urolithiasis

It is difficult to single out one cause for the development of urolithiasis; there are always several of them:

  • reduced fresh water consumption
  • sedentary lifestyle and inability to constantly mark territory
  • obesity and unbalanced diet

Castration or sterilization by themselves does not affect the development of urolithiasis.

If after the operation the owner did not take care of changing the usual diet to a special one, the cat really risks not only gaining excess weight, but also developing urolithiasis, and diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and joints.

Undesirable consequences of castration and sterilization


Any operation is stressful for the body, and during anesthesia, of course, there are always certain risks. However, castration and sterilization are elective operations, the risk of which is only 0.1% - 0.5%.

Postoperative complications

The better the development of surgery in the clinic where the operation is performed, the more qualified the operating team, the lower the risks. In any case, the risk for elective operations is much lower than the risk for urgent surgical treatment (for example, with pyometra).

And remember, many health problems after sterilization can be avoided by choosing the right diet. Read about choosing a diet for cats after surgery in the article “Basic principles of nutrition for castrated and sterilized cats.”

See also ProPlan food for spayed and neutered cats.

How much does it cost to sterilize a cat?

The cost of sterilizing a cat depends on many factors:

  • sterilization method;
  • complexity of the operation;
  • presence of complications;
  • use of additional drugs, etc.

After consulting a veterinarian, having determined the method of sterilization and where the rehabilitation period will take place (care in a veterinary clinic or at home), you will be given the exact price of sterilizing a cat.

Some clinics provide free sterilization of shelter cats and stray cats in order to humanely control the animal population.

When is it time to spay a cat?

  • Your cat has reached childbearing age (this figure varies for different breeds - but usually a cat can become pregnant at 7-8 months, a year or a little more)
  • You have made a firm decision that you do not want offspring from your pet
  • Your cat comes into heat more than four times a year. This is dangerous; there is a high risk of developing breast and uterine tumors. Sterilization will help preserve the health of the cat and extend its life.

Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat involves removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy). This operation is usually indicated for young cats before the first episode of heat occurs.

What is castration

Castration is a surgical operation in which the gonads of animals are completely removed, namely, the testes (testes) in males, and the ovaries in females, sometimes along with the uterus.


  • to correct aggressive behavior in animals;
  • to suppress sexual desire;
  • termination of reproductive functions;
  • for medical reasons;
  • due to developmental defects (cryptorchidism in males);
  • animals that are not suitable for breeding;
  • in order to prevent possible diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary tract.

After the operation, the dog, regardless of gender, loses sexual desire, and negative behavioral skills associated with the rut are stopped. Animals cannot reproduce due to complete suppression of reproductive functions.

Males stop marking territory and become less aggressive. In females, the pain caused by estrus disappears.

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