What to do if your cat’s ears are red, itchy or spots appear: causes of the disease

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Red spots on cat ears quite rightly alarm pet owners, because often such manifestations indicate a serious illness. Especially when the cat starts shaking its head and scratching its ears, scratching its skin until it bleeds.

  • How do ear diseases manifest themselves?
  • Ear mite
  • Eczema
  • Hematoma
  • Another reason


Red spots on the ears, and sometimes completely red (sometimes even hot) ears indicate that the cat is suffering from an allergic reaction for some reason. This could be the environment, new food, medication, or flea saliva. To understand the cause of redness, you need to consult a specialist. Fortunately, allergies in animals are treated just as easily as in people, so after visiting the veterinarian, the cat will definitely feel better, and the redness from the ears will go away.

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With eczema, a cat develops a red spot on its ear as a result of water, chemicals, or a foreign object getting into it. This may also be caused by:

  • External irritants (collar rubbing, contact with rough fabric, etc.);
  • Allergic reaction of the immune system to individually intolerable components (for example, food);
  • Fungi, bacteria, fleas and other parasites;
  • Irritants (shampoos, dyes, household chemicals, etc.));
  • Seborrhea (scruff);
  • Chronic stress;
  • Diseases of internal systems and organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc.);
  • Hormonal disorder.

Eczema can be dry or weepy. The first form is characterized by the absence of infection in the affected areas. The surface epithelium is subject to keratinization, covered with dry scales and tuberosity. The second form is caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria of a pyogenic nature. With weeping eczema, the blisters open on their own and the tissue adjacent to the lesion softens and continuously releases exudate. Eczema enters the chronic stage 3-6 weeks after the start of its development. It is characterized by absolute dry skin and atrophy of hair follicles.

Ear hematoma

The cat's ear may turn red as a result of the appearance of a so-called auditory hematoma. These problems are very painful for cats and therefore require immediate specialist intervention. Such bruises may appear for the following reasons :

  • Ear injury, possibly while playing or due to a bad landing. Vessel rupture can also occur when an animal scratches or shakes its head very hard;
  • Infections, allergies, ear mites - everything that provokes violent damage to the organ.

Ringworm in humans: types, symptoms


Ringworm is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of patches that peel off. May occur at different ages. Most often it occurs in young people. The disease occurs in autumn and spring. Can be transmitted from a sick person or animal.


  1. stress;
  2. reduced immunity ;
  3. hypothermia;
  4. heredity;
  5. overwork.

Symptoms: the disease begins with a single plaque. But it can increase to two or three pieces. The plaques can be from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Within about a week, the rashes acquire a more characteristic type. There are more and more of them. They appear on the stomach and back and are accompanied by severe itching. If you have lichen on the scalp, your hair will fall out. The duration of the disease lasts from 1 to 2 months, after which they disappear on their own.

At risk are:

  1. Small children;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. people with weakened immune systems ;
  4. people who do not observe personal hygiene rules;
  5. those who have pets.

What can cause the disease?

Microscopic fungi can cause the disease; they live on the skin and fur of animals. In soil and on human skin.

Types of lichen

  1. Ringworm most often affects children . It is very easy to get sick from it, just touching the patient is enough. Appears on the face , neck , shoulders and head. Characterized by round, red and pink spots.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor or multicolored lichen - appears due to excessive sweating of the body, which leads to changes in the chemical composition of sweat. Excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun, use of fatty creams. The spots are located on the surface of the entire body, excluding the head and limbs. The first days the spots are greenish in color, but over time they become light brown.
  3. Shingles the nerve, appearing where the nerve passes. Most often in adults, but can also affect children. Occurs due to stress and hypothermia of the body. First, reddish bubbles filled with liquid appear. After a few days, the blisters burst and crusts appear in their place.
  4. Lichen planus is a chronic disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Appears between the ages of 35 and 65 years. The cause is unknown. But most often it occurs in people with diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Men get sick less than women. The patient's nails crumble, and red and purple nodules appear on the skin. On the skin of the abdomen , legs and chest .
  5. Solar lichen is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the skin of various shapes. There may not always be itching and burning. Inflammation occurs in winter. The spots reach a diameter of 4 cm.
  6. Squamous lichen - has a chronic form. Skin throughout the body may be affected. It may or may not be transmitted through casual contact.
  7. Ringworm ( eczema ) can be transmitted through household contact. It looks like a red spot that appears on the hands and face . Then bubbles appear, which then burst and release serous fluid. When they dry out, they become crusty.


Examination by a dermatologist . They do an iodine test, and then wipe it with alcohol. Scraping Blood and urine analysis .

What complications can there be?

  1. Deterioration of vision
  2. Hearing impairment
  3. Nerve damage
  4. Inflammation of the heart muscle


to treat lichen on your own . Different forms of lichen are treated differently. It is necessary to disinfect all things used by the patient. Wash your hands after contact with an infected person. On average, treatment takes 1-3 weeks, but if the disease is not advanced. It is necessary to limit water procedures. Do not apply cosmetics. Ointments, immunostimulating and antihistamines, multivitamins, antidepressants , and sedatives are prescribed.

Diet : exclude the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, canned and smoked foods.


To prevent a disease such as lichen , you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat well. Treat in a timely manner . And do not self-medicate.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic


Otitis is an inflammation of the ear in a cat. The disease spreads to all parts of the ear, including the inner ear. Possible causes range from allergies to ear mites and fungal infections. If the cat's ear is red inside and has an unpleasant odor, scratches are visible on the outside, and the cat itself is not behaving as usual, then most likely he has otitis media. The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications, and after treatment, the owner will need to keep his pet’s ears clean and regularly wipe them to remove excess earwax. This procedure is also useful for healthy cats, as it is a good prevention of inflammation.

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How do ear diseases manifest themselves?

It is not difficult to see that a cat is feeling discomfort; you just need to take a closer look at the pet. If he constantly and anxiously shakes his head and tries to get rid of the discomfort with his paws, this may indicate the development of a dangerous disease in the animal’s ears. In this case, upon visual examination, you will find not only hyperemia (redness), but also an accumulation of wax, crusts and fluid in the ears.

Attention ! Normally, the color of your pet's inner ear should be pale pink. The surface is usually slightly shiny and glossy, but without moisture. Minor accumulations of wax are normal. Moreover, its color can vary from light brown to dark brown. However, the main indicator is the smell. It shouldn't be harsh or unpleasant.

Solar dermatitis

As stated earlier, a cat's ear is very sensitive, making it susceptible to sunburn. First of all, this applies to white cats, however, other breeds are not protected from this disease. Dermatitis initially manifests itself through mild redness and some balding of the ear, but may later be accompanied by itching, bleeding, scratching and other symptoms. If measures against solar dermatitis are not taken in time, they can cause another, more serious disease – squamous cell carcinoma.

Another reason

Other diseases that cause redness in the ear include:

  1. Dermatitis . The symptoms and causes are similar to eczema, but do not have the nature of an allergic reaction. There is brown dirt in your cat's ears that can be easily removed with a cotton swab. The skin is slightly inflamed.
  2. Otitis . This disease, which is an inflammatory process, can hardly be diagnosed at home, since the cat, on the contrary, will try to shake its head as little as possible. If you pay attention, you can hear the liquid squelching in your cat's ear. Otitis media develops against the background of a weakened immune system.
  3. Ringworm . It is caused by microscopic molds - trichophyte or microsporum. In addition to redness, you will notice that your pet is going bald by leaps and bounds. Peeling, possibly purulent wounds, appear on bald spots. If you notice even a small bald spot on your cat, it is better not to risk it and immediately consult a veterinarian. You can get rid of ringworm easily if you start treatment on time.

To prevent redness and other negative symptoms from appearing, take adequate time to care for your pet's ears. Inspect and carefully clean your pet's external auditory canals, and do not allow water to come into contact with his ears and nose.

What to do?

If small spots are detected that do not go away within a few days, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian. He will carry out the necessary procedures to determine the cause of the disease. Diagnostics:

  1. interviewing the owner to obtain information about the animal’s lifestyle, nutrition, recent injuries, diseases, and detected symptoms;
  2. external examination - determination of color, swelling, size of spots, presence of bald spots, and other symptoms;
  3. laboratory tests - blood, ear contents, skin scrapings;
  4. if necessary - otoscopy, radiography.

After a comprehensive diagnosis and determination of the cause of the disease, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment:

  • For eczema, treatment of the affected areas with ethyl alcohol, a course of vitamins, and elimination of fleas and possible allergens are prescribed. For wet eczema - antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin), astringents (tannin solution, rivanol). For dry eczema - Vishnevsky ointment. Hormonal drugs have a good effect: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.
  • Otodectosis - zoo lotions (Otifri, Fitolar) or antiseptics, drops (Aurikan, Ektodes, Oritsin). Against ticks - Stronghold, Frontline.
  • Dermatitis – local treatment, deworming, antibiotics for infection, fungicides for fungus.
  • Lichen - vaccines (Microderm, Polivac), local treatment (salicylic alcohol, Chlorhexidine), antifungal ointments (Nizoral, Sanoderm).
  • The hematoma is opened by a veterinarian with further treatment.
  • Otitis - ear cleaning (boric acid, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide), drops (Uricin, Surolan, Tsiprovet). For purulent form - antibiotics.

Red spots in a cat's ear are often a symptom of a serious disorder in the animal's body. Timely treatment will keep your pet healthy and prevent its own infection.


Otodectosis or ear scabies is one of the most common invasive ear diseases. The causative agent is a tiny mite that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Most often, ear mites appear as a result of contact with a sick animal, but even a pet that never leaves the house can get sick. Ear mites feed on blood and lymph, biting into thin skin. The animal's ears itch and she becomes restless. The main sign that hundreds of small parasites have settled in your pet’s ears is copious brownish discharge. Simple ear care does not give results: in the evening the “mess” is removed, and in the morning the ears are again full of “coffee” crumbs. These secretions are waste products of ticks and dried blood that flows from microscopic wounds.

Ticks in the ears resemble their larger “brothers” - an elongated body, long legs, sharp jaws. It's not difficult to get rid of this abomination. You need to clean your ears daily of accumulated secretions using a damp gauze swab, and then instill any drops for the treatment of otodectosis (for example, Tsipam) into each ear (even if one ear looks healthy). The duration of treatment is a maximum of a week. If there is no obvious improvement, immediately consult a veterinarian. An alternative method: to clean the ears, place two drops of Stronghold into each ear once. A month later - two more drops in each ear. In most cases, one use of a stronghold is enough, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

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