2000+ best nicknames for cats of Siberian boys and girls

Fluffy “Siberians” leave no one indifferent, so it is not surprising that the love of owners for their pets is expressed in the desire to give them a beautiful name. Along with the traditional ones - Fluff, Snowball (if the cat is white), Vasily, there are also exotic names. Someone, observing the character and habits of an animal, reflects them in names - Eshka (a cat who eats a lot), Sonya (a cat who loves to sleep). We have collected the most popular and unusual names for cats of the Siberian breed so that you can choose the most suitable one for your pet.

Kittens: Tyson, Mason and Sonya

Nicknames for Siberian cats - options for choosing a name taking into account different criteria

Choosing a beautiful nickname for a Siberian cat is not an easy task, because it is not for nothing that there is a proverb that what you name a boat is how it will float. The same is true with choosing a name for a pet, because it is known about the powerful influence of a name binding on a living creature. And when it comes to Russian Siberian beauties, you also need to think about how to ensure that the cat’s names suit the innate grace and aristocracy of the purebred animal.

Nicknames with meaning

Very often, nicknames with meaning are chosen as names. It is worth paying attention to such names that are suitable for a Siberian cat:

  • Akira – “smart”;
  • Anubis – “royal child”;
  • Archie - “brave, courageous”;
  • Biscuit - translated from French. “cookies”, but “Siberian” kittens are so cute that you just want to bite them;
  • Bubbles – “air, airy”, an excellent option for a fluffy cat;
  • Valentin – “strong and healthy”;
  • Duke is a title for a high-ranking nobleman;
  • Gideon - from Hebrew “mighty warrior”, “brave spirit”;
  • Joseph (Joseph) – from Hebrew – “God will multiply”;
  • Ezra - don’t laugh, translated from Hebrew the name means “helper, savior”;
  • Zeus – “father of the gods”;
  • Kevin – from Irish – “beautiful”;
  • Keanu is Hawaii. - “cool wind in the mountains;
  • Luigi - from Italian. "famous fighter";
  • Maverick – “one who disagrees with the group”;
  • Murphy – “sea warrior” (Irish);
  • Simba – means “lion” in Swahili;
  • Sparky – “alive”;
  • Flurry – from Irish – “king, prince”;
  • Hunter - hunter;
  • Caesar - named after the Roman emperor.

The Siberian cat can be called:

  • Alice – “noble”;
  • Asha - means "life, hope" in Hindi;
  • Bella - from Italian. "beautiful";
  • Della - from Greek. "kindness";
  • Catherine, options – Catherine, Katie – “pure, virtuous”;
  • Zippy – “to move quickly”, an excellent name for a nimble cat;
  • Ziya – from Hebrew “trembling”;
  • Cameo is a type of jewelry, a design carved on stone;
  • Lucky – “luck”;
  • Sadie is an English name for a princess.
  • Chloe – “blooming”;
  • Charlotte – “free”;
  • Ellen (Ellie) - from Greek. “kindness, kind”;
  • Erica means “eternal ruler” in Scandinavian.

You should take the choice of a name for your pet seriously, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “What do you call the ship...”. However, nicknames are given to very young kittens, and sometimes Thunder grows into a quiet lazy bumpkin, and “noble” Alice is not averse to biting her brothers. What is your pet’s name and what influenced your choice of nickname? Please share in the comments.

Popular nicknames: wide selection

No one will be left indifferent by the beauty and charm of the Neva cat. Everyone, having seen the charm of the little fluffy mischief-maker, will want to have such a four-legged friend in their home. However, getting a cat is half the battle; an equally important dilemma will be choosing a nickname that will match the beauty, grace and character of the animal.

Many breeders do not bother choosing a name for Russian Siberian cats, calling their pets Vaska, Timki or Marusya. However, the Siberian is a very fastidious animal with a well-developed sense of intuition, which means that the cat will not approve of a hastily invented name.

A selection of the most popular nicknames for the Russian Siberian cat:

Quite often, little pets are called Bagheeras.

  • Ada, Abigail, Alice;
  • Bagheera, Barbie, Bonnie;
  • Violetta, Vanilla, Valkyrie;
  • Gerda, Geisha, Gulya;
  • Daira, Dune;
  • Eva, Yesenia;
  • Zhulya, Zheka;
  • Fun, Zita;
  • Ida, Irma;
  • Cleopatra, Christy;
  • Linda, Leila, Lucy;
  • Maura, Magdalene, Mary;
  • Nyusha, Norma, Notka;
  • Ophelia, Ollie;
  • Palmyra, Paula, Penelope;
  • Rada, Rachel, Rose;
  • Sabrina, Sally, Strelka;
  • Tom, Mystery, Tisha;
  • Ulya, Umka, Ondine;
  • Fabby, Fatima, Fortuna;
  • Helma, Holly;
  • Queen, Cecilia.

Popular names for Russian Siberian cats:

Many people have heard the name Zephyr, which is what owners often call their handsome dogs.

  • Adrian, Altai, Amur;
  • Byron, Baron, Brandon;
  • Knight, Willie, Jack;
  • Gordey, Hertz, Grisha;
  • Dinar, Dymok, Duchess;
  • Elisha, Erosh;
  • Jacques, Zhora, Georges;
  • Zach, Zephyr, Zeus;
  • Hippolyte, Iraq, Raisin;
  • Cruz, Kasper, Kurt;
  • Lavrenty, Lux, Leonardo;
  • Marsik, Mercury, Muscat;
  • Narcissus, Neptune;
  • Ogonyok, Orest, Austin;
  • Punch, Ottoman, Pythagoras;
  • Robin, Remarque, Ricci;
  • Seva, Spiridon, Seraphim;
  • Tadeusz, Tikhon, Timur;
  • Urs, Hurricane;
  • Thomas, Felix;
  • Hazar, Jose;
  • Caesar, Cyclone;
  • Chester, Champion;
  • Shaman, Sherlock.

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Cool and funny nicknames

Owners of Siberian cats, like other cat lovers, often choose fancy nicknames. This is how they express their love for their pet. Funny names can be borrowed from different areas of human life. Often they use the names of food, drinks, hobbies, cartoon characters and even medicines. It is impossible to limit the range of such nicknames, since they are born in a continuous flight of fancy.

Funny nicknames for boys:

  • Whiskey;
  • Donut;
  • Sandwich;
  • Skunk;
  • Nurofen;
  • Raptor;
  • Candy wrapper;
  • Pug;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Nafanya;
  • Yodik;
  • Grumpy.

Probably, this fish lover was named so for his passion for this delicacy . Funny names for girls:

  • Splinter;
  • Bully;
  • Shawarma;
  • Fly;
  • Okroshka;
  • Julia;
  • Zaya;
  • Byaka;
  • Mop;
  • A bowl;
  • Tablet;
  • Herring;
  • Shershulya;
  • Kozyulya.

By the look of the cat it’s immediately clear why she was named Nyashka

How to choose a name: selection options

By coat color

You can choose cat names based on the color of their fur. Examples:

A beauty with a red fur coat may like the name Khitrinka.

  • For cats and black cats: Nochka, Smoke, Cherry, Beetle, Black, Mickey, Chorrik, Mona, Muscat, Murzik, Nyura, Maura, Nargiz, Nagira, Blade, Busya, Bead, Droplet, Chocolate, Brownie, Angela, Crow .
  • For a white or blue cat. Blue, Brigitte, Cupid, Zephyr, Snowball, Fluff, Ottoman, Snow, Santa, Simon, Snowball, Marmalade, Alya, Pearl, Asol, Harp, Fluffy, Cotton wool, Aurika.
  • Gray Siberian. Serge, Smoke, Fog, Artemon, Harlequin, Gray, Viland, Mouse, Muska, Olive, Matilda, Vistula.
  • Red pet. Georges, Jacques, Potap, Nick, Ostap, Wulf, Adolf, Freckles, Vivien, Alice, Bianca, Khitrinka, Ulovka, Frosya.

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Name by character

Each cat has individual characteristics, so it is advisable to choose a nickname for a Siberian cat, guided by the habits and disposition of the animal, for example:


Naming a boy's kitten black can be not only beautiful, original or interesting, but also funny:

  • Cupcake, Kitty, Karasik;
  • Shpuntik, Screwchik.

Often people name their pets derived from human names;

  • Vitalya;
  • Igorek;
  • Olezha;
  • Tolik.

Nicknames for black cats can be funny too:

  • Screw;
  • Kisya;
  • Bullet.

Sometimes owners find it very funny to call a cat a Dog or a Mouse, a Bird and other animal designations that in no way correspond to the cat itself.

Beautiful nicknames for cats of the Siberian breed

Siberian cats are truly Russian representatives of the domestic purring breeds. These heroes from the North are distinguished by their large size, expressive eyes, brushed tail, long thick hair and ears like a lynx. This domestic animal has an independent disposition, but at the same time it is always invariably good-natured and affectionate. Well-chosen nicknames for cats of the Siberian breed will help to emphasize all the advantages of the character of such a pet.

Unusual English nicknames

Owners of cats often use human names as nicknames for their pets. The best option would be to consider foreign names, in particular English ones.

This is interesting! Siberian cats can distinguish moments of play from real threats. They are predisposed to prudence and will first think through their tactics before acting.

Beautiful and laconic names of English origin best emphasize the characteristics of the Siberian breed.

English girls:

  • Amelia;
  • Betty;
  • Gloria;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vanessa;
  • Bertha;
  • Jodie;
  • Eden;
  • Clare;
  • Lussil;
  • Madeleine;
  • Olivia;
  • Clara;
  • Wendy;
  • Brook;
  • Melanie;
  • Aubrey;
  • Monica;
  • Sandra;
  • Holly;
  • Tiana;
  • Vivien;
  • Estelle.

Josephine is always calm and balanced.
Boys with English nicknames:

  • Arnold;
  • Kevin;
  • Mark;
  • Conrad;
  • Nate;
  • Matthew;
  • Vincent;
  • Sebastian;
  • Ralph;
  • William;
  • Robbie;
  • Brook;
  • Tommy;
  • Ray;
  • Frank;
  • Hugh;
  • Richard;
  • Donald;
  • Evan;
  • Sylvester;
  • Thomas.

Oscar poses as if he is at the Oscars

How to choose a nickname for a cat

The kitten's name should be sonorous, beautiful, and most importantly - suitable for the furry pet. The owner should take note of several recommendations regarding choosing a pet's name:

  • It’s good if the cat’s name contains hissing sounds (Yasha, Lusha, etc.). It has been proven that cats are especially attentive to hissing sounds. It is believed that their sound reminds him of the rustling of a mouse. For this reason, the kitten will remember a name with a hissing sound more quickly. If the owner can’t come up with a name with a hissing sound or he doesn’t like it, you can choose a different nickname for the pet. And from it come up with derivatives with a hissing sound.
  • The condition of selecting a name with hissing sounds, of course, is not mandatory. The cat's nickname may not contain these sounds, but at the same time be sonorous and attract the pet's attention. It is best if the name contains no more than five letters. In the old days, almost all cats were called Vaska and Murka. And this is not surprising - a short name with an emphasis on the first syllable sounds laconic, but expressive and beautiful.
  • You should not call an animal different versions of the same name. So, it is better for a cat to respond to the name Albert or Bertie, but not both at once. It is unlikely that the animal will understand that these are two essentially identical names.

For girls (female nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Azra Aksena Agnes Argone Agbet Isadora Atlanta Anneli (use, grace) Azra Alesia Aisha Alita Aratama (jewel) Anisya Almira Armada Aksinya Ada (noble, generous) Ame (long-awaited rain) Aksena Andriana Arleta Hayka Harp Adelinda (noble snake) Asya Alva Armature Atama (main) Arete Arctic Anka (blessed) Agafya Aina Arnika Agusha Aurelia Akella Astrid (goddess of beauty) Anti

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Britannia Biagira Babu Buddha Baise (Japanese) Bella Gray **__** Broccoli Bombina Bora Biya Beverly Bayla Busya Brunnhilde Brunel Bran Beverly Bertha Baroness Bonnie Baida Boba Fetch Bise Batgirl (bat-superheroine) Barabashka Betsy Squirrel Beta Bellona Bootsy Beryllia Beeline Beluga (a variety of lentils whose grains resemble black caviar) Bounty Britannia Flea Biron Brunetta Bestia

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Vladilena Varlen Vanilla Vidia Vasyatka Vyushka Vispa Vira (faithful) Vasilevs Violla Venya Virineya Vesta Viol Venya Vidalia Twig Spring Vera Rubin Weisse Varya Vakhrya Vorsinka Violla Virgie Vaska Winona Vesya Varyusha Valora (precious) Wuffy Wei (possessing irrepressible energy) Violla Viola Wispa Wendy Crow Wilma Vanilla Vidalia

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Gloria Gerta (spear power) Gerry Gebbie Guinness Gratta Gaia Glenna Gardenia Hypersthene (named after one of the rare black minerals) Gisel Glaze Harmony Blue Camellia Guar Blue Viper Gretchen Georgiy Gryza Great Viper Greif's glaze Hecate Gemera Gorpina Gretel Grushka Gabriella Gladislava Countess de Monsor o Gobi Gokana (luxurious) Gingema (evil witch) Glasha Gabriela (warrior) Gabriella Galinka

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Donata (blessed gift) Jessica Durasel Dulya Dimal Deirdre Dasha Jisa Jaycee Daria Dia (day) Dora Daniella Jura Dosya Deniska Dale Smokey Jumpa Dirol Gently Dryad Dzega (moon) Dick Darby Delta Jolenta (purple flower) Damia Jamie Denzel Day Jilly Ginna Dina Dagmar Jolly Dinara Doris Gemma Dira

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Elka Erika Elya Yoshka Evrika Ema Elizaveta Second The only one of Egypt Yesenia Ezhenka The only Raccoon Evlampia Evgeniya Emili Eva Eshka Edviga Evrika Endi Evnika The only Yozhka Elka Ermia Eshka Efseya Eroshka Evangelina Yerona Efimka Evgenia Ermia Euphronia Evita Eroma Elizaveta the Second Ermogena Eva

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zhanna Zhulda Zhudy Josephine Blind Man's Bluff Zhuzhanna Juliette Jella Zheksa Heat Zheyma Julietta Zhuchka Zheka Zhemchuzhina Zhulda Georgette Giselle Zhudy Zhanetta Geneva Zhina (silver) Desired Zheya Josephine Zhuzha Zhudy Zhiza Zhonka Zhonka Zholly Heat Zhuzia Zheyhe Juliana Zherika Zhmurka Zhonka

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zimka Zuleika Goldilocks Zabel Zoyka Asterisk Zira Zabava Star Zabava Zoranta Zinona Zilta Zinka Riddle Znayka Zafira Zara Zolotinka Zamba Zina Riddle Riddle Malice Zina Zainab Zita Zamba Zalia Zainab Zeggy Zilta Riddle Zula Zinaida Zima Zainab Zefira Zinya Zakura

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Ithaca Ingeborg Idizhrat Empire Ital Ilma Ingeborg Isya Ila Intrigue Isya Indira Spain Ishka Isis Ima Ilma Iron Irena Isabella Ithaca Isya Ilka Isabel Ilya Ilya Irma June Igrunya Iliad Inga Iron Isaura Isolde Inna Ibiza Irida Irena Illusion Isis

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Colchis Stick Kartel Carly Kuma Kassia Katsa-Nova Kola Kastoria Kaise (exemplary victory) Karina Coil Kate Krasa Skittle Cornel Kandaja (candy, lollipop) Casanova Crust Kartel Klepa Kasandra Kokosina Kagemi (devoted, faithful friend) Kuma Kudablya Pussy Kimi (noble) Cressida Clarissa Kashtanka Kaida (punch) Kandazha (candy, lollipop) Clarissa Catalina Kaya (mistress) Klushka Clementia Kester (cross bearer) Kira

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Locatelli Laguna Lucy Lisa Lisel Laksa (gorgeous, luxurious) Swallow Lucia Laza Lady Gray Lucy Lire Liska Lam Caress Libchen Laksa (magnificent, luxurious) Livadia Lilu Lesya Libby Lorelei (muttering rock) Laffey Fox Ribbon Lerry Lanessa Latoya Liam Lucretia Lisa Lumina Lucinda Levushka Leia Lara Laurent Loina Lindsay Luna

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Meow-Lee Meisha Megara Megan Monty Milos Masha Myausical Morgana Marcy Matryoshka Magdalena Blizzard Musaka Muffy Maklasha Maslinka Magic Molly Fly Mika Marysia Dream Mafalda Matteu Mouse Norushka Mouse Mana Meowdia Meow-Lee Melisa Marcy Mathe (right hand) Meow Cyrus Olive Mirabella Mia Mazurka Marmalade Mia

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Navarra Nutella Nikki Nyusya Norushka Narnia Nyxa Nestle Noyabrina Nokia Nakhodka Nyuska Nereid (sea) Nya Notka Nyusha Nora New Neya Nikki Naira Nenty (leader) Norra Nadina Naomi Nyama Natashka Nasturtium New Nylina **__** (in Spanish) **__** Ia Nuara Nastya Ni Nala Nadira Mink Nakhodka Naya

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Октавия Онега Озорница Огнетта Оладушка Ольминия Обжорка Одалиска Оста Освальдина Освальдина Огнеза Олюшка Осирия Оболонь Ойя Орфея Ольвия Оскара Орбита Олия Оксана Олита Ольви Орлетт Орфея Оливия Ода Океания Облизунья Огги Олюшка Освальдина Озорница Олеся Оста Ольминия Остролапка Олита Обата (флаг)

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Palette Button Pasta Polina Pumka Pishka Pumbaa Puffy Fir Paco Pashka Prima Petrovna Peggy Heel Fluffy Paloma (“dove in Spanish) Puffy Papuan Pipa Puff Proshka Pampushka Papaya Pastel Polina Petunia Pisanchu Palladia Puff Bun Paris Petrovna Parasia Bun Pitti Palma Leech Paris Puzya

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rosa Lynx Ruska Reo (lion) Richilda Radish Rafaelka Rublyovka Raiska Rosalinda Rufa Roxanna Ramina Rida Rina Riva (returning to life) Rosalinda Riola Raisa Rachel Radish Raida Rebecca Ruta Raksha Ragna (wise) Renata Rodana Rammi Rieta (who loves to rest well) Raina Roca (comb waves) Rimma Riva (bringing back to life) Rysenka Ruslana Rinon (great, big queen) Ryaba Daisy Rosinka

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Scarlett Sarina/Serena (calm) Signora Sindirella Santa Symphony Solokha Semira Solomeya Styopa Simona Plum Soot Serushka Sanka Sitka Suriya (sun) Spicy Dragonfly Sidonia Salvina Styopka Antimony Sky Santaria Sulma Setta Selma Scampi Sava Beetroot Saya Styopa Cersei Scythia Sema Sabina Sonnet Sammy Sonya

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tiya Tieri Theodora Tigger Tissa Timka Tigger Trapeze Timokha Tropikanka Topa Taisan Teona Tammy Twiggy Tesla Taisi Tamotsu (guardian, protector) Tuscany Tabata Tabata/Tabitha (gazelle) Tamotsu (guardian, protector) Sharpener Taidi Tiffany Taffy Tenza Tonny Teona Tema Twitty Tessa Taisan Tida ( daughter) Thierry Tiffany Taka (hawk) Trista (brave but rash) Tansy Tonny

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Urgos Umbrella Willie Usa Umbra Ursana Ulita Whitney Ufa Ulyanka Uza Uksa Umka Usa Ufka Utya Willis Ulita Ushka Ulka Ushanka Urma Snail Ustina Uslada Oyster Uraganka Urma Ulka Urchunya Waite Unicol Snail Ulma Uzya Ufa Uniya Utya Ustinya Ula

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Fizby Felicita Feruza Fresco Fairy Faun Pistachio Freys Felica Fevralinka Freema Fyra (fiery, fiery) Fairy Morgana Snort Violet Fina Fantasia Frosya Filicia Fanta Feva Feona Filipina Fizbe Phryne Flory Flute Phoebe Frima Fifa Ferrero Fenka Fairy Fairike Fanny Flashka Faline Felini Fedka Faya

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Hatida Hensi Harley Heinrike (house ruler) Helen Hina (solar) Helma Honi Helene/Hellen (moon) Hemilia Happy Hailey Hana Hatida Hime (kind) Hayate (smooth) Juana Hina (solar) Hitty Holly-Dolly Hemilia Chrysanthemum Chloterry Helene/Hellen ( moon) Haina Junta Persimmon Khavroshechka Hime (kind) Christiana Holly Holly-Purry Honoka (flower of harmony) Heather Harry Heidi Haruna (spring) Huggy Hitrulya Crystallink

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Tsilli Citadel Princess Tsena Tsarapa Tsabu Queen of Sheba Tsigeira Cephea Cecilia Gypsy Cessa Cynthia Tsarina Tsarevna Ceres Cyclone Tsapka Tsena Tsunya Queen Quote Queen of Sheba Cynthia Tsira Citadel Tsarina Centa Queen of Sheba Tsigeira Tsypa Tsarapa Tsortsia Centa Cessa Queen Celsius Ci lly Quote Princess

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Chaco Celesta Chervona Chana **__** Chaga Chilli Chernushka Black Pearl Chuya Cherkiza Chauncey Chinua Chili Pepper Charsi Chili Pepper Chili Pepper Chairi Chaya Chosia Chasey Chipa Chiara (in the language of the Aymara tribe) Chiquita Chelita **__** Chekushka Chaco Devil Chanca Chiela ( gift from heaven) Chixa Chikki Chatri (brave warrior) Chacey Chika Chernusha Chika Chanel Chosia

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Schwartzitt Shushunya Schelda Shikki Shitsy Fizzy Shuga Mop Joke Scheherazade Shusha Chanel Sharmel Stefa Shade Sheela Shmanya Shakti Shoka Shokolatta Steffi Sandora Shanti Sheida Charlotte Shunka Sharmaine Shaina Shuga Bell Sharkiza Shuga Bell Shona Shagane Charlotte Shenny Shaina Charmaine Shusha Shalunya Shmonka

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Shrubby Bristle Bristle Tickle Chribbly Shrub Chribbly Shrub Bristle Bristle Chribbly Chribbly Chribbly Tickle Tickle Bristle Bristle Shrubby Tickle Shrub Chribbly Shrubby Tickle Bristle Tickle Bristle Bristle Bristle Chirping Bristle Tickling Chirping Tickling Tickling Chirping Chirping Chirping Tickling Tickling Bristles Chirping

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Eywa Elya Ella Eliza Ethiopian Emilia Elicia/Alison (noble appearance) Esmeralda Ethiopian Emmanuelle Elfia Ellie Epona (horse) Edita Eliza Esmeralda Ann (sweet and graceful) Erna Eira Elfa Edina Elina Epona Epona (horse) Electra Esme (dear to the heart, adored) Evan Elvira Esther Emma Ethiopia Elite Ava Elissa Elinor Esther Erna Emmy Elissa Ezra

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yuzhanka Judith Yusina Yuzhana Yunessa Yunnel Yuta Yusi Yusina Yugoslavna Yusi Yusifa Yudita Yushka Yubilyara Yushka Yurmala Yujina Yusichka Judit Yudith Yukimura Yuna Yutitsia Yunnel Yula Yudith Yusina Yuvetta Yula Yunota Yudita Yurga Yunya Yuka Yulota Yulota Yurka Yushka Yure

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yafeu (fearless, brave) Yamaha Yaromura Yamaha Yanor Yaska Yaska Yauza Yanessa Ya Pha (young) Yagoza Jamaica Yamina Yanda Yantarinka Yangeli Yasona Yakuta Yagusha Java Yakota Fair Yaroslavna Yashka Java Yarka Yanor Yaga Yakida Yarina Yafa Yaska Yanika Yarish Yanga Yamaha Java Yapa Yapa

The coolest and the best

Baton Koshanya Argentina Beth Cupcake Hippopotamus Gizmo Royal *** Dieter Batman Dolph Barsik Dawn Cadmus Egaru (joy) Iris Brandy Cass Bingo Kofa Christina Lefty Lothar Anubis Zadtra Iceberg Harlequin Cadmus Bonnie Caress Alta (high) Luke Apollo Calhoun Donella Zolotze Princess Aladdin Batman

Simple and easy

Tail Zarya Nick, Niko (Nicholas, “winner) Dick Turbo Sasho Pella Kiko Tami Luis Dunya Afir Sami Yula Fox Yesya Phase Yums Tola (bringing success) Kat Charlotte Young Ren Bata (grasshopper) Zora Ia (lunar) Ulya Yoshka Santa Lars Wil Yuka Fumka Otis Mysh Shoko Tsatsik Loya Nyura Yala


Gokana (luxurious) Donna Zeo (empress or queen) Lorch Beatrice Kevin Andriana Endy Zlato Detroit Fierce Christine Augustine Christine Kasumi Gulfer Zosia Biotress Beatrice Empire Arlene Caprizon Atalia Carlo Ariel Balthazar Ariel Andriana Karenna (pretty) Captain Atris Anabel Weekend Artemis Efimia Aldona Zhuzha Kandy G vidio Angel

Cool and funny

Adventurer Admiral Jer Darg Dice Jella Egypt Gavryusha Jampa Evlampius His Abracadabra Burger Babai Eli Starbreaker Jer Bam Majesty Jacqueline Wobla Day Gavryusha Kipish Gonzo Peanut Darby Boniface Eli Darok (stubborn, arrogant) Bayun Aprilka Bandit Alligator Evrik Garmosha Belyash Stupid Aprilka Admin


Stelara (cluster of stars, constellation) Miraklau Bruno Dimych Hideo (wonderful, excellent) Kiwi Maverick Buka Topus Witch Philip Lapusya Ilmir Whiskey Eamon Linda Octavia Narcissus Donat (gift of the Gods) Aerosmith Inor Miroslava David Curdled milk Tyrone Hirsch Strelka July Romik Wild Iola Persiona Beavis Ontario Suleiman Amethyst Shandora Seigar Mamba Scully

Unusual, interesting and original

Berendey Bucephalus Blizard Argone Belmondo Blossom Assorted Azul Burn Beckham Andre, Henri (courage and courage) Aivar Brita (sublime) Althea Viber Basilisk Belial Aristotle Isa Bonito Badik Agidel Agnes Velveta Vilnius Akil (smart, intelligent) Brian (Danish) Baxon Benjamin Baraka ( blessed gift) Broit Azamat Adal Brita (exalted) Vel Adala Bombay Bombina Abur Bumbon


Talk Vandal Efsei Womanizer Bunya Vasil Demo Eya Zyuzya Dobrynya Courtesan Harness Vereya Beads Good Man Turquoise Dzedzi (girl) Alyonushka Vigdis (goddess of war) Boulder Borzik Joshua


Granite Humboldt Saurus Bargers Abraham Aqua Adlar Abbadon Diamond Garnet Bailey Bayard Tatra Glam Humboldt Valmont Glamy Puppy Abraham Aelita Pole Dracula


Gerda Gerrick (Old German) Jory Gerrick (Old German) Aland Jolly Gunther Grinch Ilian Dolores Wilhelmina Gauss Berit (“magnificent and intelligent in German and Danish) Elizabeth II Wichtsl Camila (guardian) Indio Greata Inga Hertog


Calypso Leva Jean Luc Picay Jesy Irt Cote Antoinette Jeannette Dart Cressida James Bone Jesy Caspar Zhurzhik Gaston Curly Friend Zuid Lara George Weasley Ivea Dimia Milady Adye


Hedgehog Vansai Heather Budo (one of the martial arts) Zach Zender Juliet Gil Akuchi (princess, princess) Azuma (oriental) Georges Ayumu (flying in a dream) Jose Imon Iron Man Asami (beauty of the morning) Highlander Ivyu Akita Zero Zero Akari (shine, light ) Zemych Indiko Bansei (eternal)

For furry

West Gerald Deimos Velvet Jason Gaylord (dandy) Geray Gioconda Jagger Jayln (quiet voice, stopping) Velvet Dark Gerald West Valerie Jacka Jella Dantes Jamie Jamalis West Devi Daria Joker Hobbes Deimos Velvet Darica Jagger Adanami (sound of waves) Jella Gerey West Wind (wind) Jamalis Jermaine June Jailn (soft voice, stopping) Jailn (quiet voice, stopping) Denis

For black

Bogira Bec Dara Raven Dar Delia (after the small island of Delos) Jessie Jackpot Dusk Darty (dark as darkness itself) Bagirka Grigori (fallen angel) Werner (“guardian”) Demyan Daf (black world) Hyphen Werner (“guardian”) Dwan, Dwayne , Duan (dark) Jet (a coal-black stone that was used in amulets, amulets and witchcraft) Daria Diamond Darge Pebbles Biagira Jem Gapit Dustin Dernis Dask Jungles View Daniel Hyphen Daf (black world) Diva Darkley (darkness) Daf (black world ) Gehenna (Hell in the New Testament) Dwan, Dwayne, Duane (dark) Dayton

For white

Dundee Josie Daring Albino Weiss Dater**__** Vatan Gavin (hawk) Jemima Black Baccarat Jafar Alpin Belchick Deffer Blonde Eternity Damian Belchick Joni Jafar Black Top Weiss Veronica Deffer Snow White Eternity Arctic Velez Eternity Bello Blondie Jamal Belchick Arctic Demmy Arctic Whitetail Dundee Albern ( white) Giuseppe

For the redhead

Jaffa Delko Gregg (vigilant and cautious) Gilly Delko Darina Gazelle Vern Debian Ardon (bronze) Jaytee Vellas Darina Versailles Dartie (dark as darkness itself) Debian Jessica Jiterry Ardon (bronze) Gypsy Versailles Gregg (vigilant and cautious) Delma Gregg (vigilant and careful) careful) Scarlet Vera Gregg (vigilant and careful) Jibo Scarlet Daitan (brave and bold) Danuta Aka (red, red) Gregg (vigilant and careful) Darina Jaffa Darina Adamina (red) Jiterry Jilly Vera

For gray

Grayson Grayson Dodger Darkley (darkness) Darth Vader Watch Didier Argyris (silver) Whirlwind Deshawn Giro (second child) Watch Dior Jack Meower Weyhouse Grimalkin Gently Jeanette (queen) Don Grace Danon Argentum Vizier Dori (right, right) Hekuto (poetic name for the moon) Dose Live Gavin Darsic Weyhouse Dennis Dimley Grice Groucho Tinkerbell Grice Tinkerbell Jazzman Jedda Darth Vader

Popular names for Siberian cat and cat

Siberian cats are a real treasure of Russia. These animals have delighted people with their purring since the times of Ancient Rus'. So why not give your pet a name that takes us back to our roots? Old Russian names are an excellent option for Siberian handsome men.

Old Russian nicknames of Siberian cats:

  • Agafya
  • Anisya
  • Bazhena
  • Varvara
  • Glafira
  • Darena
  • Dobroslava
  • Eulampia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Fun
  • Kaleria
  • Lukerya
  • Lyubava
  • Marfa
  • Melania
  • Miroslava
  • Pelagia
  • Praskovya
  • Pulcheria
  • glad
  • Salome
  • Tikhomira
  • Ulyana
  • Fedosya
  • Jadwiga

Old Russian names for cats:

  • August
  • Agathon
  • Askold
  • Bogdan
  • Bartholomew
  • Gavrila
  • Gorynya
  • Daren
  • Dobroslav
  • Elisha
  • Epifan
  • Hilarion
  • Kapiton
  • Lubomir
  • Methodius
  • Miron
  • Nestor
  • Paramon
  • Porfiry
  • Radimir
  • Ratmir
  • Savva
  • Simon
  • Tihomir
  • Fadey
  • Fedot
  • Philemon
  • Khariton
  • Jaromir

This option for choosing a nickname is also convenient because the pet’s name is unlikely to coincide with a human one. Indeed, how often in modern reality can you meet a woman named Pulcheria?

​Names for cats

Males have a strong character and independence. This should be taken into account before giving your cat an interesting name. You should not give the boy a name that is too tender. The kitten will quickly grow up and stop being so cute, but the name will remain. It is better to choose universal names for male cats that will suit a pet at any age.

Owners with a good sense of humor can choose such funny names for cats as Gluck, Lace, Tummy.

The most popular nicknames for males are Barsik, Kuzya, Alex, Kex, Marsik, Murzik, Max, Felix, Yashka, Simba, Tom, Simon, Tyson, Kasper, Timofey, Timon, Richard, Timosha.

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