Ear diseases in cats - types of diseases, signs and treatment tips from veterinarians

Ears are considered one of the main organs of a cat. An animal's hearing is much better than a human's, but cats suffer from ailments of the auricle no less than people. Classification of ear diseases in cats:

  1. Diseases that appear as a result of damage to an organ by parasites.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Diseases resulting from inflammation.

Many owners of pets are interested in the question of what ear diseases can occur in cats?

Ear diseases in cats: symptoms and treatment

Inner ear diseases

These ailments are the most serious. They are difficult to identify, it is difficult to even imagine how to treat ear diseases in cats, since the picture of the course can be blurred, the shape can easily change, affecting either the outer, then the middle and inner zone of the auricle.

Mostly otitis media occurs. This is an inflammatory process that has various causes. 3 types are classified: external, middle, internal otitis. With external inflammation, the symptoms are similar to otodectosis - redness, wax in the ears, and various irritations. But in this case, the pet does not itch as often.

If the detection of the disease is delayed, hair may fall out and pus may appear. Causes of infection:

  • Injury or splinter;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Fungi;
  • Sulfur plugs;
  • Allergy;
  • Infections.

Various microorganisms and viruses can lead to inflammatory processes. Otitis media forms if the auditory tube is affected. Air ventilation is impaired. This type is very rare.

Self-treatment is strictly contraindicated. The disease must be treated by a veterinarian, since with the wrong approach there is a very high risk of complications.

Diagnosis of otitis

When an animal exhibits symptoms of otitis media, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic. A doctor examines a diseased organ through an otoscope. This allows you to determine the location of inflammation. The condition of the eardrum is assessed, the presence or absence of foreign inclusions, neoplasms, and the amount of sulfur is determined.

As part of the diagnostic examination, a scraping of the cat's epithelium is taken. It is examined for the presence of subcutaneous mites. The doctor takes a smear of ear discharge for cytological analysis. The laboratory will determine whether bacteria and fungi are the cause of otitis media in your cat. For a general clinical picture, blood and urine are taken from the animal for study. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, then allergy tests are performed: small scratches are made on the skin and allergens are applied to them.

In a particularly difficult situation, when there is a suspicion of a tumor or damage to brain structures, the doctor may prescribe a referral for an X-ray or MRI. The deeper the source of inflammation is located, the more severe the disease. Based on the examination and test results, the veterinarian prescribes treatment for otitis with drops, tablets, and injections.

In some cases, an additional antibiogram is performed - a test for the sensitivity of microbes to certain antibiotics.

Symptoms of ear disease

A healthy individual has a pink auricle, its surface is dry, and there is no pungent odor.

The owner should be wary of the anxiety of his four-legged friend. The first signs of ear disease in cats:

  • Tilts head to one side;
  • Frequent scratching;
  • The pet refuses to eat;
  • Sharp shaking of the head;
  • Swelling is noticeable.

Behavior can be aggressive when trying to look into the ear, or vice versa lethargic. Discharge of different colors or smells may appear, the color of the skin may change, peeling on the inside and dermatitis on the outside may occur.

When the base of the ear is pressed slightly, squelching sounds occur. Such phenomena should not be ignored. The photo shows ear diseases in cats, and we see how hard it is for our pets. In these cases, you need to contact the clinic, specialists will provide the necessary assistance.

How to apply drops

By wrapping the cat in a blanket or towel, we can apply the drops to her without fear of her escaping or trying to scratch us. The step by step process is as follows:

  1. First, clean your cat's ears by removing any remaining earwax or pus that may be present. This is important because otherwise it may make it difficult for droplets to enter the ear canal. To do this, you can buy special products for cleaning cat ears. Apply it to sterile gauze and wipe the outside of your ear. Do not get it in your ear, otherwise you may damage your eardrum. If you don't have an ear cleaning solution, clean water and gauze may be sufficient.
  2. When the ears are clean, tilt your cat's head to the side and apply the number of drops recommended by your veterinarian. Once you have applied the required amount, gently rub the outside of your ear to ensure the drops are properly deposited into your ear canal.
  3. Once the drops are injected , do the same with the other ear (if necessary).

If you follow the treatment as recommended by the veterinarian, the problem should resolve. However, if you do not complete the course of treatment, the problem may return. This is important even if the ear appears healed. Take your cat to the vet if the problem does not go away after proper treatment.

Treatment of ear diseases

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary not only to see the picture of the patient’s clinic, but also to take into account various tissue tests.

The doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the sum of all indicators.

  • These can be antimicrobial, antiviral, antiallergic drugs, antibiotics and homeopathic remedies.
  • The treatment process can be adjusted, especially with regard to fungal infections and mites.
  • For hematomas and neoplasms, the help of a surgeon will be required.

Self-medication can only complicate the process. It is necessary to remember not only about the complications, but also about the harm that can be caused to your little friend when using inappropriate medications.

Veterinary online pharmacy Dobropesik.ru

Nowadays, quite a lot of drugs have appeared on the Russian market of veterinary drugs for the treatment of diseases such as otitis media (both fungal and bacterial) and ear mite parasitism.

In this review we will consider and compare the presented drugs.

Of course, before treating the problem, it is necessary for the veterinarian to make a diagnosis, identify the nature of the disease and, based on this, select a drug.

Now many manufacturers have switched to producing complex preparations that act on both fungi, bacteria and mites.

So, the presented drugs:

  1. Anandin, Anandin-plus
  2. Aurikan
  3. Bars, Bars Forte
  4. Dana
  5. Decor-2
  6. Oritsin
  7. Otibiovin
  8. Otoferonol, Otoferonol Plus, Otoferonol Gold
  9. Surolan
  10. Tsipam
  11. Amitrazine
  12. Otibiovet
  13. Aurizon
  14. Otonazole
  15. Rolf club

The products must be used strictly according to the instructions, observing the number of treatments and duration of treatment. Almost all drops cannot be used if the eardrum is damaged, so it is better not to neglect an examination by a veterinarian before treatment. As a rule, complex preparations also contain substances that reduce itching and inflammation. Drops such as Surolan, Otobiovet, Aurizon, Aurikan, Otobtiovin have proven themselves especially well. A big advantage of the drugs Surolan and Oricin is the possibility of using them for pregnant and lactating cats and dogs. Surolan almost does not cause skin irritation, unlike drugs such as Bars, Otoferonol, Decor, Amitrazine, which quite often cause local allergic reactions. However, the cost of the same Surolan and Oritsin is several times higher than the cost of competitors. It is worth remembering that otitis media can be caused by both bacteria, fungi, and mites (otodectosis). Therefore, an incorrectly selected drug may not help in treatment. For example, Bars, Dana, Decor-2, Tsipam, Amitrazine, Rolf Club act on ticks and other ectoparasites, but will not help with fungal and bacterial otitis. Conversely, the action of Otobiovin, Otibiovet, Otonazol is directed exclusively against bacteria and fungi. The table below will help you decide on the choice of drug based on the cause of the disease.

Drug name Company manufacturer Indications for use Notes
Anandin, Anandin-plus Mediter, Russia Anandin-bacterial otitis (mainly gram-positive bacteria)

Anandin Plus – bacterial otitis, otodectosis.

*Mildly toxic to cats and dogs.

*Does not apply to damaged eardrums

Aurikan Micro-plus, Russia bacterial otitis, otodectosis. Not suitable for damaged eardrums
Bars, Bars Forte Agrovetzaschita, Russia Bars Forte - fungal and bacterial otitis

Leopard - otodectosis.

*Do not use with drugs containing organophosphorus compounds.

*Does not apply to damaged eardrums

Dana Api-San, Russia demodicosis, notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange, otodecosis *Do not use in case of illness, pregnancy and lactation, in puppies under 12 weeks and weighing less than 2 kg.

*Does not apply to damaged eardrums

Decor-2 Veterinary Center, Russia otodectosis May cause irritation and burning
Oritsin Maramed, Germany Fungal and bacterial otitis, otodectosis. *Can be used during pregnancy and lactation of animals

*Does not apply to damaged eardrums

*Do not use with other insectoacaricidal drugs

Otibiovin Bioveta, Czech Republic Fungal and bacterial otitis Not suitable for damaged eardrums
Otoferonol, Otoferonol Plus, Otoferonol Gold Otoferonol Gold – bacterial otitis, otodectosis.

Otoferonol – bacterial otitis.

Otoferonol Plus - bacterial otitis, otodectosis

*Does not apply to damaged eardrums.

*Possible burning and irritation.

Surolan Janssen Animal Health, Belgium Fungal and bacterial otitis, otodectosis, relieves itching and inflammation. *Does not apply to damaged eardrums.

*Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Tsipam Tsamaks, Russia demodecosis, notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange, otodecosis, otitis, ringworm, lice, fleas, lice, Do not use in case of illness, pregnancy or lactation, in puppies under 6 weeks of age.
Amitrazine Polisan, Russia otodectosis (ear mites), notoedrosis and demodicosis *Do not use during pregnancy

*May cause irritation and burning.

Otibiovet Vetfarm, Belarus Fungal and bacterial otitis An opened bottle is stored for 12 days.
Aurizon Vetokinol S.A. (Vetoquinol SA) , France Fungal and bacterial otitis, ear scabies. *Does not apply to damaged eardrums.

*Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Otonazole KRKA, Slovenia Fungal and bacterial otitis The duration of use of the drug is no more than 15 days.
Rolf club Ecoprom, Russia otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedorosis *Do not use during illness, pregnancy and lactation, in puppies up to 8 weeks, and also simultaneously with other insectoacaricidal agents.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure, you need to regularly clean your animal’s ears. To do this, you must use products prescribed by your veterinarian. Cleaning should not injure the hearing organs; it must be done very carefully.

It is necessary to periodically check and examine your tailed friend, and consult a clinic when the first signs of various ailments appear.

Otitis in a cat: symptoms and signs of the disease

An attentive owner will always notice changes in the behavior of his pet if he knows the main symptoms of otitis media of the inner ear. The most common are the most visually identifiable signs:

  • Irritation and redness of the skin of the sore ear, in which the cat periodically rubs it and at times applies it to the head;
  • Acute pain provokes a sharp jumping up, screaming of cats, frightened looking around, the cat does not allow touching the head;
  • Constant itching and the appearance of ulcers and scratches in the ear area;
  • Shaking the head and lack of auditory response to the affected side;
  • Possible drooping of the eyelid in case of damage to the facial nerve;
  • The appearance of a characteristic cloying odor;
  • Discharge from the ear with purulent otitis media;
  • By bending over to your pet, you can listen to the characteristic gurgling and squelching sounds;
  • Loss of appetite and cheerfulness;
  • Heat;
  • Irritability, constant meowing and screaming

Due to the slow development of otitis, in some cases, despite minor deviations in the cat’s behavior, a trip to the veterinary clinic is the optimal solution for quick rehabilitation and treatment of the pet.

Photo of medication for treating cat ears

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