All types of diseases of domestic cats: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Ascites is dropsy of the abdominal cavity in cats. The idea that this is a separate disease is erroneous. Ascites develops against the background of a chronic pathology that has developed in the body, and is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which exceeds normal levels.

Excess intrauterine fluid puts pressure on the internal organs, making it difficult for them to function. The process is dangerous because dangerous complications, including death, will arise in the pet’s body.

Why does ascites develop?

Absolutely any animal can suffer from ascites, but cats that lead a sedentary lifestyle are most susceptible to this pathological condition. A small volume of serous fluid is always present in the abdominal cavity.

Excessive fluid volume above normal poses a danger to the body.

Excessive accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity can be caused by the following factors:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • decreased albumin levels;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • peritonitis;
  • infections, parasites, fungi;
  • weak immunity;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • oncology;
  • abdominal injuries that provoked an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity;
  • bladder rupture;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • excess salt in the diet, economy-class food and, as a result, an increase in sodium concentration;
  • violation of water-salt and protein metabolism.

This is not a complete list of the reasons leading to abdominal dropsy in cats.

Types of damage

The faster a hematoma forms, the more difficult the recovery. Injuries of this type are divided into:

  • lungs that develop within a day, accompanied by mild pain and not requiring special treatment;
  • moderate severity, the appearance of which requires no more than 5-6 hours, accompanied by noticeable swelling and pain, worsening the motor function of the limb;
  • severe, forming within 2 hours after a bruise, accompanied by dysfunction of the limb, acute pain and noticeable swelling.

Treatment of moderate and severe hematomas should be carried out under the supervision of a physician to eliminate possible negative consequences of injury.

In addition to the severity of the damage, there are other criteria for classifying hematomas:

  • by depth of location - under the skin, under the mucous membrane, deep in the muscle tissue, under the fascia, etc.;
  • according to the state of spilled blood - uncoagulated (fresh), coagulated and lysed (filled with old blood that is not capable of clotting);
  • by the nature of blood distribution - diffuse (blood permeates the tissue and spreads quickly), cavitary (blood accumulates in the cavity between the tissues) and encysted (over time, the cavity filled with blood is surrounded by a “bag” of connective tissue);
  • according to the condition of the vessel - pulsating (blood flows freely from the vessel and flows back) and non-pulsating (the rupture of the vessel is quickly sealed by a thrombus).

Almost always, hemorrhage poses a health hazard, so to eliminate its consequences, you need to seek medical help immediately after the injury.

Clinical picture

The initial stage of the pathological condition is virtually asymptomatic, since the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is a gradual process. Characteristic signs can only be noticed when the volume of fluid significantly exceeds normal levels. Ascites can be suspected by a noticeably swollen abdomen and stretching of the sides when the animal is active.


  • the abdominal cavity is swollen, hard to the touch;
  • fluctuation - when pressing on the abdomen, you can feel the liquid inside it swaying;
  • the belly takes on the shape of a pear when the cat stands on its hind legs, and inflates and rounds when taking a sitting position;
  • dullness and disheveled fur;
  • yellowish tint of mucous membranes;
  • paws, ears, crotch, sternum swell;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • breathing problems, hoarseness, shortness of breath;
  • weakness, apathy.

It is very important to distinguish ascites from ordinary overeating.

Signs of pathology

A cat's enlarged belly should be the reason for an unscheduled visit to the veterinarian. Sometimes, if the outflow of urine is disrupted or the intestines are blocked, a timely operation can save the life of a pet.

Why do certain pathologies develop if, in the opinion of the owners, the animal is well cared for? The causes of the development of diseases accompanied by enlargement of the peritoneum are:

  • poor nutrition, lack of animal access to water;
  • non-compliance with the schedule of vaccination and anthelmintic measures;
  • peritoneal injuries;
  • development of chronic diseases of internal organs.

There are a number of symptoms, the occurrence of which requires urgent consultation with a veterinarian. These include:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • apathy;
  • increase in body temperature (hot, dry nose and ears);
  • lack of appetite;
  • the presence of blood, parasites and their eggs in the stool or urine.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

The diagnostic task is to differentiate ascites from other diseases with similar symptoms, for example, from exudative peritonitis. Thus, with peritonitis, an increase in temperature, pain when pressing on the abdomen, and a significant number of leukocytes and proteins are observed.

And finally, the most obvious sign of peritonitis is the transience of the disease. With ascites, as mentioned above, the disease has a long development.

Necessary diagnostic methods for suspected ascites include:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • analysis of clinical symptoms;
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • X-ray of the peritoneum, sternum;
  • Ultrasound of the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • fluid examination;
  • endoscopy;
  • biopsy.

Differential diagnosis helps to identify the underlying pathology that caused ascites. Without determining the provoking factor, it is impossible to prescribe adequate treatment, since the amount of fluid will increase with each relapse.

Breed characteristics

Some breeds have a fold in the abdominal area their entire life. And, by the way, there is nothing reprehensible in this, since natural affiliation simply obliges you to “possess” a fat tail.

Do not be upset if the skin hangs on the belly of a cat of the following breeds: Canadian Sphynx, Pixie-Bob, Bengal, Scottish Straight, Scottish Shorthair. The reasons for the presence of loose skin in pets of these breeds are unknown. Probably, the fat layer should protect short-haired and hairless individuals from the cold, and for others, the fat tail should protect the abdominal organs from injury during fights.

Important! You should not try to reduce a saggy belly by starving your pet. With such a diet, the skin will not go anywhere, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable on a body that is too thin

Can ascites in cats be treated or not?

Treatment of ascites is carried out comprehensively. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, alleviating pain symptoms and strengthening the immune system.

To reduce the amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, laxatives and diuretics (Furosemide, Temisal) are indicated.

To stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, drugs such as Olitorizide, Strophanthin, Digitoxin, Cardiovalen are necessarily prescribed.

If there is an infection in the body, antibiotic therapy using drugs from a number of cephalosporins is indicated.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability, the veterinarian prescribes intravenous solutions of calcium chloride (10%).

To pump out the fluid, a puncture is done when the veterinarian pierces the abdominal wall. The procedure is performed at least twice a week. In this case, the removal of ascitic fluid must be compensated by reinfusion of ascitic transudate or administration of an albumin solution. These procedures provide a chance for additional remission and prolongation of the animal’s life.

The course of treatment depends on the condition of the animal and the amount of fluid. This is a long process that must continue until the clinical signs of dropsy completely disappear.

As for the prognosis, with adequate and, most importantly, timely therapy, it is favorable. If you do not seek help from a specialist in time, the volume of fluid will continue to increase, and this is fraught with pressure on the internal organs and disruption of their functions.

How to determine the cause of a bloated belly

In most cases, an increase in the size of a kitten's belly is not a sign of serious pathologies. You can try to determine the cause of a bloated belly yourself:

  • When the problem is related to errors in nutrition, namely overeating or feeding age-inappropriate food, the kitten experiences bloating.
    This occurs due to pressure on the walls of the intestines and peritoneum of gases that were formed due to malfunctions in the baby’s digestive system. In other words, the kitten is worried about flatulence. It's very easy to check - just lightly tap your stomach with your fingertips. If at the same time a dull sound occurs (as if from a “barrel”), then this indicates flatulence. You can also often feel and hear a rumbling sound when you put your hand on the kitten’s tummy. Most often, a kitten's bloated belly is caused by errors in nutrition.
  • With constipation, you can note that the kitten does not go to the toilet for a long time to empty its intestines (more than a day), meows pitifully and is worried.
  • Worm infestations accompanying a pet's swollen tummy cannot be determined without an appropriate analysis performed by a veterinarian (except for cases where worms are visible to the naked eye in the animal's excrement, which indicates a massive infection). Therefore, in cases where the kitten’s nutrition is organized at the proper level and there is no reason to believe that flatulence is the cause of the illness, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.
  • Internal diseases, which, among other things, lead to bloating in kittens, have a whole range of other symptoms by which they can be diagnosed. However, this should be done by a professional - a veterinarian.

Bloating in kittens is often accompanied by the following conditions:

  • diarrhea - observed with poor nutrition and helminth infection;
  • vomiting - one-time can be associated with overeating, repeated - with a wide range of diseases of the digestive tract, including helminthic infestations;
  • unpleasant color and smell of feces - may indicate infectious diseases or helminthic infestations;
  • changes in taste preferences and feeding habits - eating inedible objects, an unusually strong appetite may indicate that the kitten is not getting the vitamins and microelements it needs from food;
  • elevated body temperature, lethargy, apathy - as a rule, indicate food toxic infections or inflammatory diseases of internal organs, for example, peritonitis.

What should the owner do

Under no circumstances should you play Aibolit or give your pet medications without consulting a veterinarian. Only a specialist can prescribe medications and set their dosage, based on the severity of the pathology, general condition and age of the animal.

Uncontrolled use of medications can lead to potassium being excreted from the body along with urine. This will worsen the cat’s well-being and lead to complications, even to the point where the animal dies. Human diuretics are especially dangerous in this regard.

Increasing their dosage independently can lead to disturbances in the level of electrolytes and leaching of fluid from the microcirculation network. This is fraught with the possible development of encephalopathy.

At the first opportunity, you should take the animal to the clinic so that the doctor can examine it and prescribe appropriate treatment.

A cat with abdominal hydrops is prescribed a therapeutic diet that involves limiting the consumption of water and any other liquid. The food of a sick pet should be nutritious, balanced in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates and consist mainly of proteins.

The diet includes meat, poultry, sea fish, cottage cheese, kefir. You can add salt to food, but the amount of salt should be minimal.

Frequently asked questions

How to get rid of a hematoma using traditional methods?

Folk remedies only help with minor and non-dangerous superficial damage. To speed up resorption, you can apply a compress of mashed cabbage leaves, bodyagu mixed with Vaseline, or tampons soaked in a mummy solution to the bruise. For deep or extensive injuries, you should consult a doctor.

Why is a hematoma dangerous?

The greatest danger to health, and sometimes to life, are hematomas that form deep in the tissues, inside organs or joints. Large hemorrhage is dangerous due to the possible development of infection, inflammation and suppuration. If the joint is damaged, bursitis, synovitis or hemarthrosis may develop, resulting in disability. Blood in the peritoneal cavity leads to peritonitis. Brain hematomas lead to dysfunction of this organ with serious consequences in the form of deterioration of cognitive functions, paralysis of body parts, etc.

How to treat a hematoma in the first hours after injury?

Immediately after a bruise, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim: apply ice to the injured area, then tightly bandage the injured limb to block the flow of blood into the tissue. The dressing should not remain on for more than two hours. During this time, it is necessary to get to the emergency room, where the patient will receive the necessary professional help.


Prevention of a bloated abdomen in a cat, as well as any other serious pet disease, comes down to following the rules for keeping cats in an apartment:

  1. It is necessary to regularly treat worms: kittens - once a month, adult cats - once every 3 months throughout their lives.
  2. Follow the principles of proper animal nutrition. If you are not sure about the chosen feeding tactics, make an appointment with a veterinary nutritionist: the doctor will be able to select not only ready-made food, but also a balanced homemade diet.
  3. It is advisable not to allow pets to walk outside to avoid infection with the feline infectious peritonitis virus, for which there is currently no vaccination.
  4. It is necessary to install special “anti-cat” nets on the windows, which prevent not only falling out of the window, but also getting stuck in windows open for ventilation.


Treatment of the underlying disease is necessary if it is identified.

There are several rules to reduce the symptoms of bloating:

  • Try to feed your cat more often, in small portions, in a calm environment to prevent aerophagia. If you have several animals competing for food, feed them separately in different rooms. It is possible to use special bowls that prevent the rapid swallowing of food;
  • make sure the food is fresh, dry food must be in a tightly closed bag, in a bowl for no more than a day, wet food and homemade diet are removed as soon as the cat finishes eating;
  • block the cat's access to the trash can;
  • Choose a cat food that is low in fiber and highly digestible, or consult a veterinary nutritionist. You may need a therapeutic diet (prescribed by a veterinarian).

Probability of death

The likelihood of death depends on the situation. The exact indicator is determined only by diagnostic results.

Remember that complications are possible even with non-hazardous factors. The bloating puts pressure on the chest, preventing normal breathing. There is also a high risk of gastric volvulus, intestinal rupture, tissue necrosis and sepsis. To avoid unpleasant consequences, contact your veterinarian if you have any alarming symptoms.

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